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 Dream #542 (WHALES)
I dreamt I was with my family in a small boat and around us were so many whales. It wasn't hostile, it was more serene... What does this mean? Sx...
Posted: 9/13/2023

 Dream #541 (Spooky)
I was in the Shanghai airport trying to buy something at a shop. I didn't have any more Chinese currency, but when I tried to pay with Apple Pay, I realized my iPhone had been totally smashed. I lef...
Posted: 10/13/2020

 Dream #540 (Question)
Is there someone I could share dream with?...
Posted: 10/30/2017

 Dream #539 (Insanity)
I used to have like 15 minutes before real sleep horrible nightmares, they were so vivid almost lucid and they reflected my deepest fears....
Posted: 9/24/2017

 Dream #538 (Suspenseful )
It's a jumbled mess. Long story short, I live in a cabin in the woods by a lake with a guy. Different guy this time from the other dreams I've been having lately. Anyways, I swim in the lake one day, ...
Posted: 5/2/2015

 Dream #537 (Trippy)
I'm in a garage, with my son. I have no children, I miscarried at 17 weeks on October with a girl, but I know this child is mine. There are three snakes. Two copperheads curled up next to the door. An...
Posted: 5/1/2015

 Dream #536 (Odd)
First off, I want to say I've been dating my fianc for 2 years. In this time period, we have split up a few times, by fault of me. But I have never cheated nor have I thought about it. So, the dr...
Posted: 5/1/2015

 Dream #535 (Confussing)
I've been havin crazy dreams lately. Here's last nights adventure. I'm driving through a city, think San Franciso hillsides meets New York layout, and scenery. Never been to anywhere like this. An...
Posted: 5/1/2015

 Dream #534 (scary)
Having done quite a bit of research, i have started maintaining a dream journal. Its been over a week, results have been amazing. Recollection of a dream is easy and more clearer. Coming back to the ...
Posted: 4/28/2015

 Dream #533 (Repetitive)
I have been having a similar dream for over 7 years now. In every dream I return to where I spent my teenage years- Iowa. In every dream there is a boy who either doesn't know who I am, or rejects me....
Posted: 3/25/2015

 Dream #532 (baby)
Ive been dreaming I have a baby boy over a year now and I don't have the desire to have more children what could this dream be telling me. Sometimes some of my dreams really do come true. How can I te...
Posted: 1/17/2015

 Dream #531 (STRANGE)
Hello... here's my dream... I'm near the well at house I grew up in. Its almost full with clean water and there are several snakes in it. I'm not afraid of them but just amazed that there are so ma...
Posted: 12/30/2014

 Dream #530 (Quirky)
I am a boy in a family living in a funky but kind of magical place. I am walking home and see penguins flying overhead, a lot of them. They are so cute. The home I reach is a place we dont own or hav...
Posted: 10/4/2014

 Dream #529 (Life after death)
I'm in a large room with lots of other people, it's very crowded. We are all dead. People are wandering around finding friends and relatives who died before them. Everybody seems cheerful. I ask a ma...
Posted: 9/8/2014

 Dream #528 (Just weird)
I am trying to nurse my newborn baby boy. (In waking life my youngest is actually 15) He doesn't seem to be able to work his mouth right and I'm scared for him. I start changing his diaper and his pe...
Posted: 9/1/2014

 Dream #527 (melbourne dreaming)
Posted: 3/13/2014

About two months ago, I was just moved into a new place with my good friend and was feeling really at home and comfortable. But on my fifth day there (I think) I had a sleep paralysis experience, but ...
Posted: 3/7/2014

 Dream #525 (weird repetition in dream...)
This isn't a detailed description of a dream, but more of a thing I wonder about... Throughout my life I have always had dreams where I was being chased or hiding from wolves; Never any other animal. ...
Posted: 3/7/2014

 Dream #524 (Totally Insane)
This dream happened to me almost a year ago, and yet it still stays with me really well... I don't quite remember what was happening before hand, but the craziest part of the dream involved me running...
Posted: 3/7/2014

 Dream #523 (Lucid)
I was inside of a sinking ship that was filling with water. I had to fight my way through water that was pouring in. I tried to get to a door to get onto the deck outside. I knew I would have to hold ...
Posted: 3/4/2014

 Dream #522 (lost daughter)
I have left my 13 y.o daughter at my work to pick up older daughter, without letting my 13 y.o know I am leaving her, when Ive picked up my older daughter Im panicked that I cant find my way back to w...
Posted: 2/26/2014

 Dream #521 (lucid and somewhat strange)
After an intense dream of being asleep in a past residence something touched me just now while in my bed asleep a few minutes ago,This start...
Posted: 12/22/2013

 Dream #520 (Alarming)
I was on a bus with a bunch of rowdy people. I don't recall actually being on the bus, I felt like I was just sort of watching a movie, kind of. Well, the bus driver lost control and the bus careened ...
Posted: 10/1/2013

 Dream #519 (Scary)
I was walking down the school corridor when my birth father came down the other side. Concidering I hadn't seen him since I was 2 years old it felt very odd. He started telling me about how much he lo...
Posted: 7/17/2013

 Dream #518 (Weird)
My Father in-law passed away unexpectedly, almost a year ago. Last night I had a dream that we were at his funeral (however it was at a completely different place than his real funeral was), and we w...
Posted: 5/7/2013

 Dream #517 (jellopuddingy)
In the dream I am in an apt that i just moved out of recently . i am painting on large canvas with other friends in the apt.Door opens Bill Cosby walks in with a notebook under his arm and a record L...
Posted: 5/5/2013

 Dream #516 (Tarot Message)
I have such long, vivid dreams and within the dreams there is a richness of detail and layers of memory and experience that I wake up feelin glike I have been somewhere else. If anyone who reads this...
Posted: 3/26/2013

 Dream #515 (Answer to Dream of Dying)
I meet a "middle-aged British woman in tweeds" who I know is my spiritual mentor. In a bathroom, I viciously stab her in the heart over and over, and the feeling of piercing and of being absolute in t...
Posted: 3/20/2013

 Dream #514 (?)
I'm in a black gospel church where music is the means of being in the spirit. Doc Watson is black and is singing, behind a guitar, in a "dirt band." I am in an endless line of singers be-bopping up an...
Posted: 3/20/2013

 Dream #513 (normal type )
I dreamed there was a thief in my home.He was at the kitchen and locked the door.My husband is going to kitchen and trying to open the door.The thief is loughing haha...very bass sound...and making no...
Posted: 3/11/2013

 Dream #512 (mental)
Stardate -309958.6781139017. Sittin' in my lil' workstation, i found this interestin site. This dream was last nite, follows a blackout from a alcohol binge and it was somethin like this: I was ta...
Posted: 1/15/2013

 Dream #511 (Strange)
Shattered Minds: There were two wild eyed girls that were involved in some case that I was helping with as a psychiatrist and they were needing to be restrained. I was trying to lock both of them beh...
Posted: 12/9/2012

 Dream #510 (Animal/Water)
I was walking by the ocean with Joe, an old friend/boss, talking about how to appease some folks in an upcoming class. Then, all of a sudden, muddy water spouts started forming over the water. There...
Posted: 12/9/2012

 Dream #509 (Sexual-ish)
I don\'t have detailed dreams very often. Lately, I\'ve had a couple I remember very well. The earliest I remember, it starts when I\'m lying on my couch in my apartment where I live with two othe...
Posted: 11/26/2012

 Dream #508 (Best Friends )
Well I keep having these dreams about my best guy friend and it has been going on for about as long as I have known him so for about 4 years now. Anyways in my dreams he is always there for me and whe...
Posted: 11/10/2012

 Dream #507 (Thought Provoking)
Everyone in my dream hated me. I remember getting onto a school bus. The bus driver was my former Chemistry teacher. He said something dryly. I don't remember what, but I remember the tone with which ...
Posted: 10/25/2012

 Dream #506 (Erotic Nightmare)
I've been dreaming of my ex having sex with another guy. But also that it has been going on a lot longer than i've expected. The dreams are actually flashes and not a full dream. And I also dream th...
Posted: 9/10/2012

 Dream #505 (dream)
On my way to school I came across my friend Jonathon on his bike, he told me that he and his older sister had been running from something but whatever it was it killed his sister. Before it killed her...
Posted: 7/27/2012

 Dream #504 (bizzaire)
I was on a sailboat that was on a map and we were playing a game. We had to sail back to this point on the map to win. The girl I was with said that if we sailed the other direction the map would chan...
Posted: 7/14/2012

 Dream #503 (Lucid)
I herd someone saying do it in your own handwriting and one other thing I dont remember over and over again. Finally I realized that someone was in the room with us. I thought it was some man in A...
Posted: 7/14/2012

 Dream #502 (Lucid)
I was standing in my bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. I was suddenly aware that I could be dreaming, so I reached for the light switch to see if the lights would go out or if they would stay ...
Posted: 6/30/2012

 Dream #501 (scary,foriene)
it was when i was like 6 but i still remember it, i was sitting up in my bed and i had this little nightlight on the wall across the room, but instead the light being blue it turned blood red... i was...
Posted: 6/30/2012

 Dream #500 (freaky,scary)
it all started after waking up to go to the restroom, i came back and fell right to sleep, a loud knock on the wall woke me up, or so i thought... i tried getting up but wouldn't move, it ...
Posted: 6/30/2012

 Dream #499 (Weird)
I was at my old high school and apparently had driven my dad's car to school. But by the end of the day, I couldn't find the keys so I ended up panicking because I realized I had no way to get home. A...
Posted: 6/21/2012

 Dream #498 (Scary)
I was in a car with a few people from my church. It was a gold car. It was nighttime. In front of me, my worship leader with someone else in the passenger seat. She was in a little blue car. I was par...
Posted: 5/6/2012

 Dream #497 (thought provoking)
I Dreamt I was packing to leave from where I have been staying there were over tones that there was an apoccalyliptic event about occur I have been away from home tone for about 17 yeras and I have...
Posted: 5/1/2012

 Dream #496 (education)
i had a dream last month. i was going to school for extra class. it was nearly mid exam. and when i was walking i saw my uncle. he laughed at me for my mid exam result is bad. i didn't care about tha...
Posted: 4/27/2012

 Dream #495 (angering,ragefull,peacfull)
Im in a viod with a dark energy flowing from me. I see my dead relitives ghosts. There on a ring of light in the viod. One of them speacks its my mothers grand mother she told me that i discust her a...
Posted: 4/14/2012

 Dream #494 (Not Helpful)
I've used lucid dreaming for creative reasons before and my marketing project is due pretty darn soon. I figured since i can't come up with a new product to do my project on...why not ask my dream?! S...
Posted: 3/23/2012

 Dream #493 (reaccuring)
I dreamed of him again, this dream seemed so much more real than normal that is startles me. I have had this same dream twice now so I feel that I can more accuretly describe it to you all. It starts ...
Posted: 2/29/2012

 Dream #492 (Funural Procession)
The Funeral Procession Dream. The Dream I dreamed I was standing at a road juncture near home, watching a funeral procession. The dead man was carried in the traditional way on a stretcher. I was ...
Posted: 2/19/2012

 Dream #491 (Insane)
I usually have dreams where my teeth fall out, but they're usually still connected by the nerve. I pull the tooth for it to come out and the nerve doesn't sever. It usually just keeps going and going....
Posted: 2/18/2012

 Dream #490 (dream of getting kill on road in a car )
iam driving suddenly tree pierced thru my wind sheild into me..iam dead...
Posted: 2/9/2012

 Dream #489 (Confusing)
I keep having a dream where the same man keeps apearing. He is a tall young man possibly in his twenties with wavey black hair that reaches his jaw has green eyes and tan skin. I feel as though he has...
Posted: 1/22/2012

 Dream #488 (Vivid, Longing & Loads of Bugs)
My Wife, of the past 12 years, died in July this year at the relatively young age of 44 from an acute Heart failure suddenly, unexpectedly (as there were no prior symptoms) but peacefully in our marit...
Posted: 12/29/2011

 Dream #487 (Disgusting)
I had a dream I was stepping in faeces (shit or toilets) what does it mean please help me...
Posted: 12/18/2011

 Dream #486 (Disgusting)
I had a dream I stepped in faeces(toilets)...
Posted: 12/18/2011

 Dream #485 (Foreign)
I find myself in a small group of what seems to be a military squad in the distant future on some kind of alien desert planet. What stood out was the faceless squad leader and a loud-mouth smart alec ...
Posted: 12/13/2011

 Dream #484 (Lucid, slightly scary)
I had 2 dreams last night involving predator cats which i have never dreamed of before. The first one i can barely remember. I was on some kind of safari and slowly the cats( tigers and lions) seemed ...
Posted: 12/13/2011

 Dream #483 (Haunting)
Im walking along a shore, I think its a very large body of water and I have no awareness of the other side or wether there is one. I walk right up to the edge and realize then that it is a cliff and t...
Posted: 12/11/2011

 Dream #482 (Recurring dream of an ex-boyfriend)
Well, I don't know If I should call this guy a boyfriend, it was a 6yr crush I had on him. I don't know if I was just too immature at the time I was with him, or what. We started to hang out but our r...
Posted: 12/11/2011

 Dream #481 (Weird and Scary)
My boyfriend and I were driving and we went to a well known place for me the 4h extension office I have spent a lot of time there. We got there are a lot of people were there like all the popular peop...
Posted: 11/17/2011

 Dream #480 (like a movie)
I was an observer, like a movie camera. There was a knight and a princess. They loved each other but her relatives and other random people kept them apart. The knight wanted his soldiers to dispose...
Posted: 10/31/2011

 Dream #479 (Confusing?)
Okay...My dream felt like reality. I was at home, living with my Mom again and her husband but everything was unique in a way that it was never before. I went to school like every other day, but on m...
Posted: 10/26/2011

 Dream #478 (scary)
Am in playground or park, some kids around me. Later it seems like one of the girls were abducted by some guy, they played that he was her boyfriend. Has she been killed? I am coming back from a holi...
Posted: 10/12/2011

 Dream #477 (upsetting)
My cat died tragically, she was run over and died during the operation that she needed. In my dream she survived the operation and i brought her home, she sneaked out and i went on a search for her. I...
Posted: 10/10/2011

 Dream #476 (Lucid)
For a few months now, I had this recurring dream, that I start to pack my house to move, and in every room, I see what looks like a closet door, but when I open it, I see stairs and when I go up them,...
Posted: 9/11/2011

 Dream #475 (Reoccurring dream)
In my reoccurring dreams, I am always about to miss my plane! But I never see the end of my dream, wake up before that, so I never know if I really missed my plane or not! This is the main set and the...
Posted: 9/9/2011

 Dream #474 (Re-accurring)
I keep dreaming that I go to this place that is like a beach, or maybe a fishing dock of some sort. some times there is a shack of some sort off to the side and sometimes all i see is the dock. But wh...
Posted: 7/26/2011

 Dream #473 (Beautiful)
I often have amazing dreams which include lucid adventures, but I've never had such a visually amazing dream as the one I had last night. I was wandering around town with my friends. I noticed that th...
Posted: 7/16/2011

 Dream #472 (Adventure; Semi-Lucid)
This might be a bit long so bear with me~ I guess the setting is suppose to be like a 'rundown futuristic medieval era', but it doesn't look like it(don't ask me how I know it's the rundown future the...
Posted: 6/1/2011

 Dream #471 (Lucid)
I am running in what seems to be a cave of some sort. I am not sure what or who I am ruinning from. The cave is dark with only a hint of light and dirty. I come to a rocky wall with light glowing from...
Posted: 5/8/2011

 Dream #470 (Lucid, totally insane)
My dream first starting out, with me walking out a building, and I walked out into the parking lot of Pamida in Chariton, Iowa. I seen Billy just standing perfectly still and I moved towards him, that...
Posted: 4/12/2011

 Dream #469 (Confusing)
The first part of my dream makes NO sense, so I'm just going to skip it... I was at my school, outside the band hall. It was a dark, rainy Saturday evening and I'm not sure what we were doing but my b...
Posted: 3/30/2011

 Dream #468 (scary and totally insane!)
I had a dream about the devil. Me and my friends all lived in a six bedroomed house where the devil had placed pictures on certain objects with the name of a demon. I remember one demon who crawled ou...
Posted: 3/25/2011

 Dream #467 (Close to cheating?)
I take the metro into D.C. to visit my ex-grilfriend AND my current girlfriend. i'm traveling with both my sisters. When we pull in at the station, there is some sort of disaster going on and al...
Posted: 2/27/2011

 Dream #466 (Realistic 3rd person)
There was an apartment like home. A man with golden blonde hair was unconcious. A young woman and an older man, I got the impression they were father/daughter, were watching him, kind of unsure about ...
Posted: 2/24/2011

 Dream #465 (Lucid)
The Old Brick Buildings on the Hill I find myself in this old abandoned town somewhere in the mountains. There's these brick buildings everywhere, six stories tall, old, and crumbling. The who...
Posted: 2/13/2011

 Dream #464 (dimensional)
I had just died, and the Devil approached me. He told me that I could either be tormented in Hell for eternity, or I could become one of the tormentors. Obviously, I chose to torment others rather t...
Posted: 2/8/2011

 Dream #463 (Sexual exploration at inopportune times)
Sex is transformed Into a chore. Even tho yr banging your hottest fantasy, it's in a place that is totally public, and you are not even really enjoying it. ...
Posted: 1/19/2011

 Dream #462 (Sexual exploration at inopportune times)
Sex is transformed Into a chore. Even tho yr banging your hottest fantasy. ...
Posted: 1/18/2011

 Dream #461 (very much like reality)
over the past few months, i've had dreams about this girl that i met once. i don't really know her that well, but she's my best friend's friend. i just don't really know why i keep having dreams about...
Posted: 1/4/2011

 Dream #460 (Lucid)
It was like watching a tv episode. I had my own thoughts vs the version of me that I was watching.. But anyway, I guess it would be like the end of the episode and I was at Panera with my best friend'...
Posted: 1/2/2011

 Dream #459 (Scary)
"The Shining/Amityville Horror House" I've had this dream for many years. I have purchased a haunted house w/ my husband. It has many rooms to it, even double wings that I explore cautiously. It i...
Posted: 12/29/2010

 Dream #458 (fear/confusion)
A friend is upset. I go into a room with her and another friend. She's talking. I see a gun in a box on the bed near her. She's shooting kids and others leave the room. She aims the gun at me and shoo...
Posted: 12/17/2010

 Dream #457 (lucid/ totally insane)
i was in my girlfriend's room. The walls were purple; i remember looking at her, when she asked me if I wanted to have a 3 way with another girl. I didn't know this girl at the time; she was just anot...
Posted: 12/16/2010

 Dream #456 (lucid)
i had a dream where i didn't know where i was or the people around me. It felt familar and the people were people that i haven't seen in my life. Then I was around my family; in my bedroom, which was ...
Posted: 12/15/2010

 Dream #455 (scary)
I am asleep in my room when suddenly I feel like I am not alone. I sit up and look at my window to see a silhouette of a man in the window and I get scared. I try to scream but cannot make noise. I ca...
Posted: 12/15/2010

 Dream #454 (very strange)
Can't remember all of it of course. One long dream with many parts to it. one part, however, old boyfriend in it (can't remember if he was a boyfriend in dream), but he got washed away into the ocea...
Posted: 12/12/2010

 Dream #453 (Perpetually terrifying.)
I don't mean to be a buzz kill, but I can honestly only remember ONE good dream that I've ever had. I dream 2 or 3 times a week and for some reason, they are all absolutely horrifying. I had always be...
Posted: 12/10/2010

 Dream #452 (Reaccuring ex boyfriend dreams)
For about the past week everynight or nap I sleep I will undoubtedly have a dream with my ex boyfriend. The background of me and my boyfriend: we never really had a great relationship. I always felt u...
Posted: 11/28/2010

 Dream #451 (dream of incest.. totally freaked out)
I had a creepy ass incestuous dream about my brother.. there was no sex involved but everything around out. He's only a few years younger than me... it really is creepy. I am not messed up, I'm so no...
Posted: 11/17/2010

 Dream #450 (? Multi-Dimensional, I guess?)
I have been having dreams that always take place in a different dimension(world) that is like my familiar city but is in a state of apocalyptic type downfall. The sky is always grey and dark with futu...
Posted: 11/6/2010

 Dream #449 (Totally random and strange and slightly confusing)
Ok, I had the WEIRDEST dream last night. It involved my bestfriends. I was floating in the ocean, and it was very peaceful. One of my friends was a fish, and we were talking. Then a boat came by, a...
Posted: 10/1/2010

 Dream #448 ((Lucid, Exciting, Scary))
When i was little I would have this dream. I think everyone has this dream when they're little, but stop when they get older. I would have a dream that I was falling, and when I woke up, it actually f...
Posted: 10/1/2010

 Dream #447 (scary)
why do i always lost my voice in my dream?...
Posted: 8/28/2010

 Dream #446 (//Depressing//)
Before i had gone to bed last night i was up for around 22 hours and was exhausted. I slept heavy and dreamt vividly. Dream: My roomate isaac and i lived in a community of a couple hundred out in natu...
Posted: 8/18/2010

 Dream #445 (8-16-2010)
I dreamt that i was going to see a movie. I got inside and found my friend Joe with his fiance and her three kids. They would up getting up and moving to different seats. I remember there were scr...
Posted: 8/17/2010

 Dream #444 (Erotic)
Two nights ago i dreamt i was out in Las Vegas and was in a porn movie. I was off camera while two girls played with one another. ...
Posted: 8/17/2010

 Dream #443 (Scary)
I'm a big animal lover, but from what I can remember about the dream I continually was forced to kill this wolf like creature over and over again. There were hundreds of them that I would kill one at ...
Posted: 8/11/2010

 Dream #442 (Terrifying)
As was aptly stated by Leonardo Dicaprio in his newest starring role, I do not remember the beginning of this dream, or, in any case, the middle. All I remember is the very end, in which i found my...
Posted: 8/3/2010

 Dream #441 (Odd)
I had this dream that me and someone i ve never seen before, had to compete to join some monks in their temple. I won, but then i started to think that my friend should be there aswell, so we both wen...
Posted: 7/31/2010

 Dream #440 (Strange)
I had a dream that I was at a party. We were in a sort of courtyard area and I was waiting in line to get something to eat. I was thinking consciously about ice cubes, and when my friend reached out a...
Posted: 7/17/2010

 Dream #439 (weird)
i dreamed that i was in middle school and it was my first day.then my core teacher go SOO mad at me.she gave me 5 saturdays and a phonecall home.then i was confused in math class!!!!!!THIS MAKES ME S...
Posted: 7/3/2010

 Dream #438 (vampire)
i dreamed that i was a vampire. i was with friends and we were all vampires and walking on a long bridge in the forest. then we all started to jump off the bridge and we started flying. then some peop...
Posted: 7/3/2010

 Dream #437 (scary)
I keep dreaming of zombies, they are chasing me and they at times attack me. I constantly dream of them....
Posted: 6/28/2010

 Dream #436 (Weird)
I am in a house and me and my sister are there and there are our parents but they really aren't. There is only one path that leads away from the house and it is always dark and it is up a hill. When y...
Posted: 6/27/2010

 Dream #435 (Scary and a bit dirty)
Ok, I'm standing on top of a height, watching a young guy being chased, apparently he stole something form his father. [timewarp] I find out the guy being chased was killed, some how I don't f...
Posted: 6/16/2010

 Dream #434 (scary/weird)
emily and i are going to the movies to see Harry Potter 4. while we are there people are continuously jumping out of no where. sometimes i know them really well, and then there are people that i might...
Posted: 6/14/2010

 Dream #433 (Past.)
In my dream, I went back in time and saw my younger self. I was like 8, and very dis-agreeable. My mom knew i was there and said I should stay in the past. My dog, was trying to kill me- my sister hat...
Posted: 6/12/2010

 Dream #432 (Freaky)
There was a bear, an eagle, and a monkey (maybe? cant remember too clearly). We were in a zoo and the cages were sizes of skyscrapers. Basically these animals sat and plotted how they would kill me. ...
Posted: 6/4/2010

 Dream #431 (Gross, monster)
I was walking through town and i see a guy i knew from school. I realised i was looking up and wondered why he was so tall.as i look down i see his disgusting deformed body. His head was normal. bu...
Posted: 6/3/2010

 Dream #430 (Weird)
I found out through friends that a body of a middle aged man had been found amongst damp dirt in a forest that was very close to water. I knew I had a connection somehow to this man, then realised it ...
Posted: 6/3/2010

 Dream #429 (Strange)
I have this recurring dream where the floor of the house is on fire, about 30cm high covering the floor, and im trying to get my mum out before she catches on fire. but she wont get off the phone! im ...
Posted: 6/3/2010

 Dream #428 (Scary)
It was really weird...I couldn't see anything. It was completely dark. I couldn't move, and I could actually feel my body go numb. Even though I couldn't see, I knew there was something or someone sta...
Posted: 6/1/2010

 Dream #427 (Lucid)
It was the apocalypse and I and everyone on earth was going to die. I imagined what dying would be like and I imagined that there would be a lot of screaming and crying. A bright light would engulf th...
Posted: 5/28/2010

 Dream #426 (lucid)
seems like i have very lucid and real dreams everynight right before i wake up. i take psychotropic prescription drugs for a mental illness. sometimes when i dream so real i feel like i'm in the M...
Posted: 5/28/2010

 Dream #425 (random, nice)
I have recurring dreams of my ex from over 10 years ago. He was my 1st love. Ended not so good btu we were young, I was heart broken. We speak via email every so often. He is married with kids. I am e...
Posted: 5/25/2010

 Dream #424 (Confusing)
I was sitting in a boat in the middle of a huge bright blue lake. It was full of colourful fish. I needed to catch one so I sang to them and so many jumped into my boat it started to sink and when I t...
Posted: 5/2/2010

 Dream #423 (Happy Dream)
I was in a Hospital room. In comes Bobby. He has a big smile on his face. It is the same smile that I love. I can feel how happy he is and it makes me feel great. The nurse brings him a baby and his f...
Posted: 4/25/2010

 Dream #422 (Weird)
I dreamed I was out in the woods with my boyfriend and then we were at my house. My boyfriend was sleeping and I was having a confrontation with a fat chick who I presumed was his ex girlfriend. Then ...
Posted: 4/22/2010

 Dream #421 (Crazy,Random,Recurring, Scary)
I am wearing a white sweatshirt and I can see myself. I am running through a gigantic city filled with people. Every so often the ground shakes. All the while I am running at 100 miles an hour and I a...
Posted: 4/16/2010

 Dream #420 (random and lucid)
every so often i'll have the same dream, in this dream i'm the same age as i am now from what i can tell and in the first version i find out i'm pregnant and my parents take me back to my fav place an...
Posted: 4/12/2010

 Dream #419 (random and lucid)
so the night before last i had this dream where i was getting married, he proposed and i accepted and we wanted to get married right away so we started to plan. Only thing was when it came close to th...
Posted: 4/11/2010

 Dream #418 (Horror, Lucid)
I was with my mother and we were walking in town, and the whole time i feel like i was being followed. Then i read a newspaper and it said how 47 women and 12 men had been murdered in the town where I...
Posted: 4/7/2010

 Dream #417 (Strange, Odd, Exciting!)
I was in our sun room, I can't remember what I was doing, but all of the sudden, my mom walks over and hands me the phone. "Is this Heather?" a guy said. "Yes it is." I said, a little confused about w...
Posted: 4/1/2010

 Dream #416 (Totally Insane)
Apologies in advance if I'm not aware of the etiquitte. I heard about this site from a friend several years ago and thought I'd post this one.
The scene is what I seem to recognize as my aunt...
Posted: 3/23/2010

 Dream #415 (Random)
There was this little place... I don't know what to call it, maybe a town or a village. I can't really call it anything, because I don't know what went beyond the busy street in which my dream to...
Posted: 3/22/2010

 Dream #414 (Random)
This is one of the shortest dreams I've ever had. In it, all I did was hug my friend/crush. The weird thing was that when we hugged there were like... not fireworks, but little lines and squiggles o...
Posted: 3/21/2010

 Dream #413 (Emotional)
I recently had a dream that my fianc was staying over, as he lives quite far away from me, and that he was leaving the next day. This was followed by me not being able to find him anywhere, and longi...
Posted: 3/21/2010

 Dream #412 (Shopping)
In reality I use a very old version of iPhoto, and have been considering updating for quite a while. In my dream I went to an Apple store to buy a new version. The store itself looked less like a mo...
Posted: 3/14/2010

 Dream #411 (Lucid)
I had another lucid dream. This time I was sleeping in my bed, and my husband wrapped his arm around me. But then he had the covers over my head and I was afraid that he was going to smother me. I cou...
Posted: 3/4/2010

 Dream #410 (Man in a White shirt)
I find myself standing alone on the balcony when a man comes out, grabs me and just holds me and never lets go. This is not my partner but someone else. He is wearing a white shirt all the time and it...
Posted: 2/24/2010

 Dream #409 (surrounded by death Holding on my Ex boyfriends hand)
Me and a friend (not sure who) were at some building, I saw my ex and his new girlfriend there. It was some industrial type building but almost like a hotel as well. When my ex and I saw each other...
Posted: 2/21/2010

 Dream #408 (Scary)
I'm in a trailer on the beach with my aunt. She has to get on the bus to go get my sister to take me to school, so she leaves and I hastily go to press the numbers 4183 on the alarm keypad. I keep pre...
Posted: 2/18/2010

 Dream #407 (weird)
I am walking out of a hotel with my mom, and we are talking about how cold it is outside and how we are glad we're not in connecticut, then somehow she is on the phone with someone in new jersey, tell...
Posted: 2/18/2010

 Dream #406 (Recurring)
I have been having the same dream for a few years now at lest once a month, in the dream it is me in preschool pushing my cousin on the tire swing, i notice a strange man standing outside the fenc...
Posted: 2/15/2010

 Dream #405 (Scary and Totally Insane)
My dream started out with me being in school (a reaccuring dream) I remember feeling very tired while at school, so decided to leave early. I couldn't remember my next class, and couldnt even remember...
Posted: 2/15/2010

 Dream #404 (Disaster/not logical)
I had the strangest dream today, one that I could not have imagined. which leads me to believe that the dreams I have each night are not my own. I dreamt I was a bum in San Francisco, and I was...
Posted: 2/13/2010

 Dream #403 (My dog Tai Tai's story)
We recently put our beloved dog down a day ago due to cancer. My boyfriend Mark & I met 8 years ago. After about 5 months of dating we decided to purchase a dog together. Mark decided that he wanted a...
Posted: 2/2/2010

 Dream #402 (Consumerism)
I was on a date with an imaginary girl when we ended up in a book store. She decided to buy three Japanese books, but I wondered to myself if she would be able to read them. When we arrived at the r...
Posted: 1/20/2010

 Dream #401 (Sports & Games)
Someone gave me a ticket to a live sporting event because they unexpectedly couldn't make it. The event was in a local sporting arena that doesn't actually exist, but had features from several actual...
Posted: 1/18/2010

 Dream #400 (Ex boyfriend & memories.)
I will give you some background infomation on the breakup. we basically grew apart, and decided to split, and stay friends. But unfornatly, 3 days later he told me was seeing someone else on his cour...
Posted: 1/4/2010

 Dream #399 (Unsettling)
This dream all took place in my house and front yard. I was looking out my window while talking on the phone to my boyfriend. Outside the sun was about to disappear behind the trees and finally night ...
Posted: 12/28/2009

 Dream #398 (Scary)
I just woke up from one of the scariest dreams I've ever had. I don't often have scary dreams. This one particularly worried me because i have a very big fear of death. To describe this huge fear I'll...
Posted: 12/28/2009

 Dream #397 (scary)
my boyfriend had a dream last night that we were coming out of my favourite coffee shop and he was stabbed in the heart and died. if this isnt scary enough, he was able to describe his killer (my ex w...
Posted: 12/19/2009

 Dream #396 (What the hell?)
Started off in a grocery store that looked more like a warehouse. There were at least 10 other people, some of them I think from high school. We were getting supplies to go on a trip together. I ended...
Posted: 12/16/2009

 Dream #395 (a dream)
title: security checkpoints and no seats. dream: this dream involves myself, my grandmother and my two sisters. we are all at the airport security checkpoint. it is suppose to be just ...
Posted: 12/13/2009

 Dream #394 (Reaccuring, odd.)
Dream. [Reaccuring] I am in this house all alone and cold, i am curled up in a ball, my stomach is pushed out, there is a baby inside me. There is a mirror oppisite me. My eyes are bloodshot as if ...
Posted: 12/13/2009

 Dream #393 (Scary... in some way)
Hi Dream Theory personnel I had a dream a few hours ago, and I think I should post it because it was kind of scary and I think there's an inner struggle within me... just not sure how to interpret ...
Posted: 11/28/2009

 Dream #392 (hugging the one i loved very much)
i am in my hometown. i am with someone in the market. someone break the glass of the next store. i commented something. then i see a girl and a guy. girl is commenting something abt the broken glass....
Posted: 11/27/2009

 Dream #391 (weird)
usually when i got to sleep and wake up i start a new dream but last night the same one kept continuing and i woke up like 6 times.and it was about this boy that reminds me of a boy i knew and use to ...
Posted: 11/24/2009

 Dream #390 (crazy)
every year i have the same dream...that the world is falling apart and giant robots are shooting people with lasers. and we all run to my aunts room closet and all of my family falls with it and i rea...
Posted: 11/22/2009

 Dream #389 (reoccuring)
I have been dreaming every other night that my boyfriend and I have broken up. The break-up doesn't actually happen in my dream, we are just not together. And last night I had a dream that I was preg...
Posted: 11/19/2009

 Dream #388 (Uncertain, Mind Bobbling)
Dear Dream Interpreters About a month ago I was actually had 2 weird dreams. And both of them has something to do with hugs. The one that makes me wonder is that I dreamt of my ex, and I was hu...
Posted: 11/17/2009

 Dream #387 (Totally Insane)
I was in a forest at night with another person, a man, maybe my husband. I was frightened. I thick cloud of smoke rolled in around us. I knew it was a fire-serpent, a dark, red, almost dragon-like cre...
Posted: 11/11/2009

 Dream #386 (Moving / Cleaning)
I was moving into a ground floor apartment in a building in Japan by myself. The entryway had a glass door with thin wood lattice panels looking out into a courtyard. Inside was a traditional Japane...
Posted: 11/11/2009

 Dream #385 (Random)
I dreamed that Trish Regan from CNBC was in labor. She was laying in a hospital bed, with a sheet covering her lower body. While she was being taken into the delivery room she was commenting on the ...
Posted: 11/10/2009

 Dream #384 (baby white chairs not walking)
last nite i dreamed i was holding a baby girl she looked like 1 to 2 years old i was holding her with my arms straight out and i was walking towards my best friend kelli and the baby had red spots all...
Posted: 10/11/2009

 Dream #383 (semi-lucid/ very vivid)
So, I had a very simple dream, but it was very odd. The first part was that I got in a physical fight and it escalated and I killed the guy. That part wasn't very clear. Most of the dream focused o...
Posted: 10/10/2009

 Dream #382 (reaccurring about ex)
ok well i am married for a year and for the past couple of months i've been having reaccuring dreams about a past ex boyfriend , we live in the same town he is my bro in laws cousin and when we were t...
Posted: 10/7/2009

 Dream #381 (a little scary)
LOOSING THEM ALL IN THE SEARCH I am on the campus of a college where I understand I am a student, looking for an art exhibit in which I know I have some paintings. I go to several rooms witho...
Posted: 10/6/2009

 Dream #380 (Love)
I dreamed of a guy I had a crush on for 3 years. Things couldn't work out between us but we still liked each other. I hadn't seen or spoken with him in months. The other night, I dreamed that whate...
Posted: 10/5/2009

 Dream #379 (Wedding)
Had a dream I was at a wedding. I think it was my brother's wedding, but it also took place at my future house. I had an office and someone was looking through some screenplays I had written. Ther...
Posted: 9/24/2009

 Dream #378 (Food)
I had a coworker about 5 years ago who you could consider the classic "dumb jock" type. I haven't spoken to him since, and I didn't dislike him at the time, but I was still confused to see him show u...
Posted: 9/23/2009

 Dream #377 (Sexual)
Well, I am in some kind of bathroom or arts and crafts room at a high school. I'm not sure between the two locations. Anyway, I am in the room with my friend. He kind of looks like Zack from Saved by ...
Posted: 9/14/2009

 Dream #376 (missing someone)
i dream of her .. wooof.......
Posted: 9/2/2009

 Dream #375 (scary)
this dream involved a lot of blood, i was laid on a medical couch in what i thought was a blood bank, she was asking me questions about my health when i realized i was there under someone else name , ...
Posted: 8/31/2009

 Dream #374 (horrid)
the other night i remember dreaming about fighting with my mother, i was punching her in her face, but it wasnt my mother, it was my partner. i knew it was her though! she/he was asking me to punch th...
Posted: 8/30/2009

 Dream #373 (Totally Insane!!)
I had a dream the other night.. and its driving me crazy.. Whats it all mean? I dont really remember everything.. but i will tell what I do remember.. Ok.. It was like.. I was watching myself on TV.. ...
Posted: 8/23/2009

 Dream #372 (strange)
so i'm just curious about what this means but i had a dream the other night, i don't remember all the details but what i do remember was i lived in a mid evil type village but i knew everyone else tha...
Posted: 8/18/2009

 Dream #371 (Disgusting)
There was seemingly unrelated lead up to the end of this dream that I cannot recall, but it seemed to involve some ex-coworkers. I was in some kind of house that didn't have a front wall. I was noti...
Posted: 8/18/2009

 Dream #370 (i keep killing my boyfriend:()
well, i've been having constant dreams about killing my boyfriend. the first dream was of us in his house and for some reason i punched him and tried to run away. but usually in dreams when you run, i...
Posted: 8/11/2009

 Dream #369 (Artistic)
I found myself employed as a semi-established artist who would find a human skull and translate the shape, with all of its unique flaws and contours, into ASCII art. I would then take the ASCII and u...
Posted: 8/4/2009

 Dream #368 (strange, good, came true!)
i was walking across a field with my auntie, then ended up being at one of my friends house. Although his house wasn't the same one has he has in real life, in the dream it was a bungalow. The rooms ...
Posted: 7/31/2009

 Dream #367 (Scary but Not terrifying)
This is a very usual dream that i get.. I used to spend my summer vacations during my schooling at my grandparents place.. This dream also takes place there.. When the dream begins i'am at the back...
Posted: 7/26/2009

 Dream #366 (Invasive)
I was for some reason awake and noting that the time was 4:45 AM. I was in a house that looks like my parents', but the floor plan on the second floor is slightly reversed. My mother was sleeping an...
Posted: 7/20/2009

 Dream #365 (Animals)
I was using some kind of email client that for some reason was shared by multiple people. I didn't know the other people who used it, but we had some kind of strange shared space where messages were ...
Posted: 7/16/2009

 Dream #364 (very lucid)
there were 4 of my closest friends as well as around 5 other people (who i didn't recognise)...we went on a mission through a suburban mountain town. we scaled tennis court fences, small building, tre...
Posted: 7/7/2009

 Dream #363 (Ex-Boyfriend)
i dreamt about me & my ex-boyfriend holding hands. He was leading to somewhere. also, weeks before this, i had dreamt of him, too. in every dream he helped me get places and was protecting me. i r...
Posted: 6/16/2009

 Dream #362 (Satin Sheets)
I was in some kind of dark high-tech A-Frame, where I was able to assume the point of view of a fish in a flooded house, and others were somehow able to observe me doing it. It was video-gamish, I kn...
Posted: 6/15/2009

 Dream #361 (weirdish?)
I know there is more too it, but all i could remember is that i was at a fair/carnival type thing at night with lights going and everything and i was pregnant which is weird cause im not. And my mom w...
Posted: 6/11/2009

 Dream #360 (Lucid and confusing)
I dreamed I was trying to go inside a barn. When I approached the barn door, there was a huge chicken standing outside the barn guarding eggs. The chicken looked to be as tall as me with fur on it's f...
Posted: 6/6/2009

 Dream #359 (distressing)
When the guy that I have been seeing for the past 7 months would come visit me. He started secretly visiting my roommate at work while I was at school. Somehow I found out something was going on betwe...
Posted: 6/5/2009

 Dream #358 (Totallitarian?)
I had a dream where i was kind of run/flying. I was running over fields and eventually I got to a big body of water with some kind of thick metal bar with half circle rungs on the bottom. I started ...
Posted: 6/5/2009

 Dream #357 (Retail)
I don't remember the lead up to this part of the dream, but I was watching a video, and at the end there was a promo for a store that you needed to give a name and password at to enter. My prize for ...
Posted: 5/27/2009

 Dream #356 (a little unnerving)
I remember first being in a university classroom. There were many people there, listening attentively. A female character I never quite saw was also there, just radiating evil. This character apparent...
Posted: 5/24/2009

 Dream #355 (Upset)
I've had the same dream over and over again. I am standing in my room and im holding my stomach and i keep crying and saying "i lost him". No matter what happens next or what people say to me all i sa...
Posted: 5/17/2009

 Dream #354 (Love,)
I was being hastled by friends i couldn't distinguish in my dead grans old garden. The friends where all shadows and changing who who they where. The shadows where becoming female then male and where ...
Posted: 5/9/2009

 Dream #353 (Travel)
I was watching a documentary with some people who were apparently my friends or classmates, but that my waking self does not recognize. The documentary was about farming in Japan, and showed a flyove...
Posted: 5/6/2009

 Dream #352 (Realistic)
I blinked, then I opened my eyes and everything was blurry like I had my eyes open only a tiny bit or a thin layer of film was covering them like what happens when your contacts are really dry in the ...
Posted: 4/24/2009

 Dream #351 (Recurring)
The first part of the dream is always different, but the last time, I stole a black sports car and then drove to my school. I attempted to get on the bus, but I needed to get into the school, first. (...
Posted: 4/18/2009

 Dream #350 (recurring)
Im 24 now and have been having this dream at least a few times a year as long as i can remember. I come out of my bedroom at my parents house to get a drink of water. and my parents and grandparent...
Posted: 4/13/2009

 Dream #349 (Scary-ish.)
I was going to pick up someone in my moms van, but for some reason i stopped in a parking lot. I dont know why and i have a blanket with me and decided to lay down in the drivers seat. THere was a par...
Posted: 4/8/2009

 Dream #348 (Injury Filled)
I woke up in an unfamiliar house at what must have been a very early hour, because it was still pitch black outside. I went to take a shower to help wake me up, but when I closed my eyes to wash my f...
Posted: 3/24/2009

 Dream #347 ((Playing on my Dogz 5.) Recurring, Fun)
I was on my computer playing on my game called Dogz 5. Sometimes I was online while I was playing the game while other times I was just on the game enjoying myself while I was playing with my pets. I ...
Posted: 3/21/2009

 Dream #346 (Vived, Scary)
All I could see was darkness at first but then I could see myself. I saw myself dressed in tanny clothes like I was in the outback. All the sudden I see these pair of huge red eyes!!! While that was h...
Posted: 3/21/2009

 Dream #345 (scary)
As a child, I had this dream over and over. I was a daisy popping up out of the earth. My face was the center of the flower and I was always smiling. I was in a big empty garden, just dirt, no grass. ...
Posted: 3/12/2009

 Dream #344 (Animals)
My guinea pig has just given birh and shes had 5 babys, one is small and is the runt i dream that night it dies and the next day i look and it has died, and i have dreams like this all the time and th...
Posted: 3/3/2009

 Dream #343 (relief)
Well I had a dream about my ex boyfriend and lets say things ended horribly for us.But we were at school in the hallway and I had a feeling of dread and someone was behind me holding me and was like g...
Posted: 2/21/2009

 Dream #342 (Daydream)
The more I think about it, the more questions I have... What really is a dream? What is a daydream? If it is true that we only use a percentage of our brain at all times, how do we use the rest of ...
Posted: 2/20/2009

 Dream #341 (Scary)
I was hanging out with my friends in the neighborhood I recently moved away from, and they mentioned a group vacation. I had never been on a group vacation with them before, so I decided to go. We w...
Posted: 2/16/2009

 Dream #340 (odd)
soo i had this dream not that long ago but it was really odd. i was married to my ex but i was cheating on him with one of the guys im interested in. well my ex, lets call him mr.x, caught me cheating...
Posted: 2/9/2009

 Dream #339 (TOTALLY INSANE)
I was in a pub having a few drinks and I had a confrontation with a man, they followed me into a room and the man started trouble with me. The others joined in and I bit one on the nose, one of th...
Posted: 2/2/2009

 Dream #338 (Scary)
I was in a pub having a few drinks and I had a confrontation with a man, they followed me into a room and the man started trouble with me. The others joined in and I bit one on the nose, one of th...
Posted: 1/27/2009

 Dream #337 (Recurring)
I have been having this recurring dream for as long as I can remember. I am always by the ocean. The atmosphere is ominous. The sea is filled with massive rolling waves. Sometimes I am standing and wa...
Posted: 1/23/2009

 Dream #336 (Work)
I was working for a major trucking / logistics company (this has never been true, but I have had clients that were in the field) in a stereotypical movie boardroom. My coworkers were the equally ster...
Posted: 1/15/2009

 Dream #335 (feverish)
I enter someone's new house and the spotlights coming from a glass statue is pointed at me. It's a house-warming party, I guess. A lot of my friends (in the dream they were my friends. I have no idea ...
Posted: 1/15/2009

 Dream #334 (Realistic, Sex)
I don't remember how it started but I was apparently hanging out with one of my friends. I'll use fake names. I was with Drew, and we went and got two other friends in our circle. The two friends were...
Posted: 1/14/2009

 Dream #333 (Litigious)
I was sitting on a couch in a room that I don't recognize, chatting with a man and woman who were apparently my friends in the dream, but who do not exist in reality. I receive an automated phone cal...
Posted: 1/12/2009

 Dream #332 (LUCID)
my dream was about a man I dated and fell inlove with. He broke up with me and 6 months later married another women. I had the dream sometime before he married her. In the dream, he was standing at t...
Posted: 1/4/2009

 Dream #331 (vivid/real)
I dreamt I was dating a good looking music producer- he was in his mid-late thirties, tall with dark hair. He seemed nice but I didn't completely trust him. He had produced albums for Toni Braxton and...
Posted: 1/3/2009

 Dream #330 (Scary)
The dream starts with me waking up in my bed at my parents' house (where I was living at the time) and the sun is shining, so it's extremely bright in the room. I'm wearing some kind of white robe, w...
Posted: 1/2/2009

 Dream #329 (Adventurous)
I was riding on an elevator that was several times wider than normal, and deep enough to comfortably fit the near 20 people riding on it. There was a stainless steel bench on the back wall, which I r...
Posted: 1/1/2009

 Dream #328 (Hopefull)
I had a dream where I was at my chiropractor's house. I was at his house on his back portch hanging out with his son and daughter. Me and his son and daughter were hanging out on the portch while ther...
Posted: 1/1/2009

 Dream #327 (scary)
As a child, I had this dream over and over. I was a daisy popping up out of the earth. My face was the center of the flower and I was always smiling. I was in a big empty garden, just dirt, no grass....
Posted: 1/1/2009

 Dream #326 (Betrayal)
Paul cheated on me with this girl Amy and decided to leave his wife for her and not for me. I remember him telling me so vividly that he had fallen in love with another woman because I wasn't around m...
Posted: 10/26/2008

 Dream #325 (totally insane)
My dream consisted of this: My father is a lawyer (in real life) and in the courtroom (in my dream) he was killed and then his body was thrown into a river. While all of this was going on, I was...
Posted: 10/18/2008

 Dream #324 (scary)
When I was little I used to always have a ruccurring dream about cars. At the time it terrified me! I would be sleeping in my bed (in my dream) and all of a sudden all of these race cars would burst i...
Posted: 10/17/2008

 Dream #323 (not sure)
well my boyfriend had a dream about me the other night and it was me and him walking through the city surrounded by tall buildings and people. when he looked at other peoples face he only saw skin, bu...
Posted: 10/11/2008

 Dream #322 (My son falling from a tall building (twice))
I have had this dream a little different and with a different son falling as well. We were up on top of what seemed to be a 20-30 story building. We were at the beach. I held my sons hand (6 yrs o...
Posted: 10/5/2008

 Dream #321 (false awakening)
I have this same dream almost every time I take a nap or if I am on vacation sleeping in a car. I am sitting there and I completely conscious of my surroundings and I know that I am sleeping, but I ca...
Posted: 10/3/2008

 Dream #320 (Dreaming of an ex)
My ex and i broke up about a year ago, however every now and then i dream about him. We dont talk constantly, i'd say a couple times every few weeks or so. In my dream usually he shows up somwhere une...
Posted: 9/27/2008

 Dream #319 (Prophetic dream)
In this dream an android lived under a woodsy bridge with a wolf. The android was abandoned by society and would gather sticks to build a small hut . The wolf would follow the android like an obedient...
Posted: 9/23/2008

 Dream #318 (Dreaming of my Ex and his kids)
Reoccuring Dream 3Nites in a Row dreaming of my ex's kids calling me early moring to come and cook them something to eat and also to talk to there father about how they feel regarding his drunk...
Posted: 9/11/2008

 Dream #317 (Wierd animal theme)
I was in this room that was unfamiliar to me. There were two adult dogs pacing around, none threateningly, near a set of openings, on the far side of this room. They were in a corner of the room, perp...
Posted: 8/29/2008

 Dream #316 (Wierd)
Most of my dreams take place or at least is in a room or rooms from the home I group in and lived in for most of my life. This dream bothered my a little, because it was so odd. I was sitting in a ...
Posted: 8/28/2008

 Dream #315 (nO eNding...)
i was soo depressed at that time that i cant sleep because i was out of love [broken hearted].. i was forcing myself to fall asleep.. den suddenly... i saw a hallway... no one was there... it was o...
Posted: 8/26/2008

 Dream #314 (Lucid & Scary)
This is the first time that I have ever had this dream. I was lying in bed it was the middle of the night and my room was very dark. My eyes were closed because I was trying to fall asleep. But, I f...
Posted: 8/25/2008

 Dream #313 (ex boyfriend)
well I have been having dreams about my ex boyfriend for a couple of months. all the dreams are different and I wake up with a smile on my face. I have a boyfriend of 3 years but I wuz unfaithful 2 hi...
Posted: 8/18/2008

 Dream #312 (formal)
two months ago, I dreamt of my dad who passed away talking to me and my boyfriend that time. I dreamt about us twice, different scene but still the same people and my dad still talking to both of us. ...
Posted: 8/11/2008

 Dream #311 (scary with unusual outcome)
I dreamt I was in a forest at night, surround by wolves. I felt puzzled, but immediately associated the wolves with work and had a strong sense of betrayal. The next thing I knew I was running and the...
Posted: 8/7/2008

 Dream #310 (creepy)
I set my alarm clock to go of on the buzzer at 9:30 every morning and this time...I think the buzzer started going off and it somehow transferred into my dream. But in my dream, it was completely dark...
Posted: 7/25/2008

 Dream #309 (M. Night Shyamalan)
I dove into a swimming pool with my eyes open. Saw the rotting corpse of a woman that my husband had killed and was hiding underwater. He was in the water with her, guarding her. I was horrified, but ...
Posted: 7/21/2008

 Dream #308 (Re-occuring.)
I keep on having dreams about an ex-boyfriend. We're really good friends and he was actually hurt really badly a month ago and I had been so worried about him, like, freaking out really bad. When I wo...
Posted: 7/7/2008

 Dream #307 (kind of nice but then scary)
"I was driving with my parents down a road that's very similar to the one I take to and from school. There was a mare and her foal grazing nearby and I got my dad to pull over so that I could get clos...
Posted: 7/2/2008

 Dream #306 (weird)
i was with a man in an elavator, only 2 people inside, going to the 3rd level of a tower, i got claustrophobic and made him hit the open button, after i was out i was in a theater with a big stage noo...
Posted: 6/27/2008

 Dream #305 (Pretty vivid, scary at the end)
So, me and my parents were entering a shop. I was at the right age in dream as irl when i had the dream. I cannot for the life of me remember the name of shop, but it seemed smallish like gas station ...
Posted: 6/26/2008

 Dream #304 (Random as)
Me and some friends were in a red, metal, underground biohazard bunker and there was a knocking at the door. Suddenly this creature like a person but made of nuts and bolts burst in. I hid in the toil...
Posted: 6/24/2008

 Dream #303 (my old high school)
i had a dream about my high school that i went to. i was standing there talking to my husband. i looked around me and my school was floating some of the school wasn't. like the office part and the pa...
Posted: 6/21/2008

 Dream #302 (insane, maybe.)
can anybody analyze this? i keep having dreams that i caught my house on fire. all i know is that i cry hysterically in all of them. what can this mean?...
Posted: 6/21/2008

 Dream #301 (ex-boyfriend)
So I've been having this dream about my ex-boyfriend for maybe a week, so I'm thinking it's time to check out what it means. My dream last night was I was on a couch drunk with him and he was being r...
Posted: 6/21/2008

 Dream #300 (Recurring, Ex-Boyfriend)
I've been having recurring dreams about an ex-boyfriend from high school for 4 or 5 years (and I'm 11 years out of high school now). At first, they typically occurred every few months and the basic fe...
Posted: 6/21/2008

 Dream #299 (very vivid)
I am swimming naked in a basement filled with water from floor to ceiling. It's like an aquarium and I swim past a giant silver fish. It's really beautiful: covered in deep blue circles. Suddenly, ...
Posted: 6/16/2008

 Dream #298 (Reocurring)
Hi, hope people can help. I broke up with my boyfriend a few months ago because we wern't really getting along anymore, we were together for 2 years. I don't speak to him anymore and we aren't really ...
Posted: 6/11/2008

 Dream #297 (my unborn baby)
k this dream happened way before my daughter was born. so here it is... i had walked in to my mother in laws house to pick up my daughter. I was talking to my husband and his mother when i heard my da...
Posted: 6/10/2008

 Dream #296 (recurring / scary)
I used to have the same dream every time I was sick when I was a kid. A leather bag used as a toiletry case whenever our family traveled would be tied to a tree. People would be circled around it, ho...
Posted: 6/10/2008

 Dream #295 (sad)
In this dream of mine, oh so long ago, maybe a few months. I was walking around school in normal clothes, searching for my boyfriend. But everyone i asked looked at me as though i were insane and i st...
Posted: 6/10/2008

 Dream #294 (scary)
It is mostly the same throughout the years. I am standing with a group of people and in the nearby shrubs a large snake slithers very fast straight at me. Before I can move the snake lunges up and b...
Posted: 6/9/2008

 Dream #293 (scary)
I was walking thru a construction site and I saw machines everywhere I saw a hook spinning around so I grabbed a hook and swung around and jumped off onto a pile of rocks and dirt. I then saw a dog of...
Posted: 6/9/2008

 Dream #292 (Half-Awake, Kind of cool...)
I was walking through some carnival or amusement park kind of thing. I saw this booth that said Find Your Inner Were or something like that. There was a man there, he was raising this kid up on thee p...
Posted: 6/9/2008

 Dream #291 (crush, love, hug)
so there is this guy i like. except i never actually met this guy. i met him on a dating website and we've been talking online for a little over a month. but i'm sure some of you know how that goes......
Posted: 6/3/2008

 Dream #290 (Insane)
A dream, I dont know when it starts but when I know I dream about myself to be accurate another me. Another me in my dream look exactly like me, on my dream another me speak with me but I couldnt re...
Posted: 5/19/2008

 Dream #289 (tornado dream)
i often have dreams about tornados ......sometimes i dream that it was about to hit me and i keep runnig from it.... sometimes i dream that i im near a sea and a tornado will suddenly appear... some...
Posted: 5/11/2008

 Dream #288 ( double dream)
well, here is one weird thing that always happen to me, i always dream that i'm trying to awake from a dream yet i would find myself lying in again and then i would try to wake up again by forc...
Posted: 5/11/2008

 Dream #287 (Dream about my ex-boyfriend)
I could imagine having a "good" dream about my ex if he was good to me, but he never was. We have been apart for almost 4 years now. I can't remember alot of the dream except I remember seeing him in ...
Posted: 5/9/2008

 Dream #286 (Scary)
Five years ago i lost my ex to a car accident and it was very hard for me to cope since not only did i have to grieve his death but i also had get over the fact that another one of his gf that i neve...
Posted: 5/3/2008

 Dream #285 (Demons)
My "boyfriend" dreamt this when he spent the night at my house: he said he had a drea that there was demons outside of my window and they were trying to grab him from my bed. What does this mean?...
Posted: 4/29/2008

 Dream #284 (Chase)
I had a dream awhile back that I was on a rollercoaster holding my niece and sitting right behind me was a guy I had recently started to date. I then got off the rollercoaster and he was chasing me wh...
Posted: 4/29/2008

 Dream #283 (sad hurtful..cancer!!)
about two weeks from today i dreamt i was walking down the street in a city i once lived in and then i saw my younger brother running towards me crying taking in deep breaths!! he wraped his hands ar...
Posted: 4/14/2008

 Dream #282 (Pregnancy)
So, last night I had a dream I was pregnant. I was about 6 months pregnant and I was at a house that seemed to be in the midst of a party. I was talking to a friend of mine and he was admiring my ...
Posted: 4/4/2008

 Dream #281 (Lucid - ex-boyfriend)
A little background. I've been married 10 years, and have always had dreams about the men in my past from time to time. The boyfriend in the dream is still a friend, but we have never discussed the ...
Posted: 4/1/2008

 Dream #280 (Scary, Lion Attack)
I was at my grandparents house again in this dream, which has become a frequent place for me to be in my dreams.. and i wonder what that means. I lived there in high school but its been almost 4 yea...
Posted: 3/22/2008

 Dream #279 (New Ren Fair/guy/cousin)
The dream started out and I was dressed in modern day clothes at my current age of 30. I was at a new Ren fair which basically consisted of a Renaissance fair that had all the normal things that they...
Posted: 3/14/2008

 Dream #278 (Lucid)
I'm sitting on a porch with a friend of mine's lil boy and my exboyfriend drives by and yells 'hey mommy' as though he were trying to hollar at the mother of the boy but then he realizes that it's me ...
Posted: 3/14/2008

 Dream #277 (Another Dream with a Tidal Wave (5 of them))
I was on a bus, I'm pretty sure it was a school bus. I don't know where we were going, although I did know at the time. There was a girl sitting behind me on the bus, a younger girl. I think she might...
Posted: 3/11/2008

 Dream #276 (Unexplained)
There wasn't any introduction to this dream, merely just blam heres the dream and we're gone. Anyway, I was dreaming about human fairy's flying around and enjoying nothing but the white world in whic...
Posted: 3/11/2008

 Dream #275 (Tidal Wave... Hmm?)
I was in the car with my dad sitting beside him in the passenger seat. We were in the drive way of his house. I heard something, like a tidal wave. My dad turned around and then looked back at me. I l...
Posted: 3/10/2008

 Dream #274 (Completely messed up)
I was waiting for a bus in a park area that had a long twisting road that went through it. There were many bus stops along this road. I stood and waited for a bus. As soon as one came I hopped on. ...
Posted: 3/10/2008

 Dream #273 (lucid: the children)
This was originally a spin off of another dream, but I feel it deserves to be recognized as it's own separate dream, due to the fact it didn't quite fit anything else from that night. It all s...
Posted: 3/10/2008

 Dream #272 (Aliens)
JUST FYI: I listen to a lot of random music at night, I have my itunes on with over 30,000 songs on shuffle, I'm not sure if that might have something to do with this dream or any other dream.
Posted: 3/9/2008

 Dream #271 (Exboyfriend)
A Little Background: My first college boyfriend and I were together for a 2 years and then involved for another half of a year. The break up was confusing and there was never any real end or resolut...
Posted: 3/7/2008

 Dream #270 (Field with baby crying)
A few years ago I had this dream. I was in a field or well clearing that was in the middle of this ring of trees. The total clearing was probably about ten feet in diameter. The trees were like rea...
Posted: 3/6/2008

 Dream #269 (Baffling)
It started out I was in the Carolina's at the beach hanging out with people that I would assume were my friends eventhough I did not recognize any of them. This guy who was rather good looking walked...
Posted: 3/6/2008

 Dream #268 (Weird)
I had a dream that I became friends with my worse enemy and then I had a dream that I beat her up. I keep dreaming about it. But when I beat her up in my dream she don't care and she just acts like it...
Posted: 2/24/2008

 Dream #267 (Confusing about my Ex-Boyfriend)
It's a VERY weird dream.... here goes the background first. I was dating this guy Wyatt and felt like I was MEANT to be with him. We rushed into things, which I regret doing, and in the end, it didn't...
Posted: 2/22/2008

 Dream #266 (Reacurring)
It was a reacurring dream I had when I was a kid, probably between the ages of 7-9. I have always been curious to know what the dream means as it was kind of odd and yet i had it often enough to still...
Posted: 2/16/2008

 Dream #265 (The Best Precognitive Experience You've Read About In A While)
So the way my precognitive experiences work is that I am involved in a dream and things follow precisely for a certain period of time. Things are absolutely perfect, but then my brain breaks off and ...
Posted: 2/16/2008

 Dream #264 (Perplexing)
The dream all began in a local Bojangles, a southern style fast food restaurant for those of you unfamiliar. I walked up the register where there was a lady cashier that demonstrated through her body...
Posted: 2/16/2008

 Dream #263 (Peculiar)
Not much was going on in this dream whatsoever, but it was really quite foreign to me and I believe it may have underlying meanings. For starters, I was not part of this dream. I was not even perc...
Posted: 2/16/2008

 Dream #262 (rock-n-weird)
this dream is from Clunkified Chimney, reposting here to get some interpretations going:

i had quite possibly the weirdest dream of all time this morning. i was in the stands of an o...
Posted: 2/7/2008

 Dream #261 (Vampires)
2nd February 2008 : Has anybody ever seen the television programme Young Dracula? Anyway, my memories of this dream is pretty brief but I dreamt that Ingrid, the Count and me (dont ask wh...
Posted: 2/3/2008

 Dream #260 (totally insane)
3rd February 2008 :It started at home, which was suddenly larger and had two lifts. Mum, dad, scarlet and some of my aunties and uncles with them and they had loads of packaging behind them li...
Posted: 2/3/2008

 Dream #259 (Ex Boyfriend)
Basically to keep this as short as possible, I have been dreaming about my ex boyfriend alot lately. I am now married, but going thru a husband with depression at the moment which is putting a strain...
Posted: 1/27/2008

 Dream #258 (Strange)
I was part of a group of crime-fighters (not superheroes, just regular people) trying to figure out the best way to catch a father and son team of torturous murderers. They were SO intelligent that...
Posted: 1/23/2008

 Dream #257 (two diffrent dreams on this one.)
Well, the first one i want to mentions are the dreams i've been haveing for the past 5 nights. I die in all of them in different places and i always wake up right after the dream goes black. A...
Posted: 1/23/2008

 Dream #256 (worst Nightmare ever)
I drempt that I lived in a giant upstairs apartment, (me and my children have a home) My oldest daughter, who dosen't live with us, (31) and I were in recliner chairs watching TV while my 14 year old...
Posted: 1/21/2008

 Dream #255 (Vividly clear, left everlasting image after)
Bright sunny day. family tells me that they signed up for some kind of huge city-planned event occuring within a huge building shaped somewhat like a rocket-ship except without any engine or launching...
Posted: 1/14/2008

 Dream #254 (Reports and Findings Dream theory research Chpt 1.)
When I was 15 I lived a life of seculsion. Yes. A life of seclusion. I had few friends and those that I had I rarely went out with. Now as with most people in such situations I slept more and...
Posted: 1/14/2008

 Dream #253 (scary,myterious)
this dream happens a few times a year but its the same area my great grandmothers house, and im playing with my friends mahlet and tidhase and we are playing tag in my great grandmothers back yard we ...
Posted: 1/2/2008

 Dream #252 (im must be guy crazy)
i am at a concert that apperntly i organized. the stage is wierd and raised and so is the seating. the first performer was awful. the secon was a rapper whoes music was better than the first. the thir...
Posted: 12/29/2007

 Dream #251 (strange)
i was at my school but i wasnt b/c the boys school was also there. some sort of carnival was happening. me and my friends decided to sneak into the boys dorms. we find a random room and enter when the...
Posted: 12/29/2007

 Dream #250 (intersting)
i was with my guy friend. and we were just talking we were going to go to his swim meet. then as we were leaving we ran into his friend whom i had never met before , this guys was short is dark tan sk...
Posted: 12/29/2007

 Dream #249 (Weird)

There is a man who is looking for me. I met him the day before (I believe) and he has apparently fallen in love with me. I may or may not be in love with him (this is unclear to me during and after...
Posted: 12/27/2007

 Dream #248 (????)
I had a dream that i was at a junk yard with 2 people. The two people walked me in then the locked the gate. I screamed then turned around and saw Chucky off of Child's Play. I was scared so I ran on ...
Posted: 12/3/2007

 Dream #247 (Strange)
I had a dream that this drunk guy came over to my house. Then this girl i know that doesn't like me and i dont like her came over to pick him up. He had a whiskey bottle and broke it when she told him...
Posted: 12/3/2007

 Dream #246 (????)
Ok so these are 2 different dreams i had in a row after the first one i woke up and when i went to sleep i had another. In my first dream i was shopping in a huge store but i was looking for just one ...
Posted: 11/14/2007

 Dream #245 (babys)
i was standing at my childhood house and found my mom with my newborn. I felt such a connection with this baby and was torn when I realized my mother had forced me away from it. she was filing custody...
Posted: 11/12/2007

 Dream #244 (Baby boy)
I was over my parents house sitting on the floor against the couch with my mom to my left behind me i was holding my baby boy who weighed 8lbs 3oz who wasn't named yet and was talking to my mom about ...
Posted: 11/6/2007

 Dream #243 (weird)
i wa have an good day when my school got taken over by bad people and the girl i lv got taken by them and i had 2 save her but i couldnt ...
Posted: 11/5/2007

 Dream #242 (Frustrating)
I'm pretty sure I left my notebook in my dream last night. I carry around a small notepad in my back pocket and last night I had a dream that I took it out of my pocket and put it on my desk--next to...
Posted: 11/2/2007

 Dream #241 (general)
in this dream i was flying on some kind of craft, it could also have been a bird and i was passing over some great territory and i came across this beautiful island where there was this great huge tr...
Posted: 10/30/2007

 Dream #240 (Mean.)
Well, my friend just died. & the person who told me this was in my dream. she called me and was like "hah, just kidding, He's not dead !" (very mean. especially after hours of histarical crying.)...
Posted: 10/29/2007

 Dream #239 (odd)
I keep having this same dream over and over again almost every night. It's about me being older and living in a mansion in California with my boyfriend. I'm an actress in Hollywood and he's an actor. ...
Posted: 10/27/2007

 Dream #238 (odd)
Frequent dreams that I am a teacher (I am not), teaching a class...
Posted: 10/21/2007

 Dream #237 (strange)
Frequent dreams of my friend, who is almost 60, is pregnant. Any ideas?...
Posted: 10/21/2007

 Dream #236 (being stabbed)
I had a strange dream last night where i was being stabbed with a knife. I know that i knew the person who was stabbing me, but i can't remember who it was. They were stabbing me in the solar plexis a...
Posted: 10/20/2007

 Dream #235 (I dont know (Premonission?))
Well i had a friend a long time ago, and about 3 years ago we had a falling out. after that we werent friends anymore. Last night i had a dream about him getting a myspace and taking a picture trying...
Posted: 10/17/2007

 Dream #234 (vivid)
each of my two daughters offered me fish at different times. Each had 3 fish on a plate sitting at a table. A week or so later my oldest daughter called and invited me to her house - she was cooki...
Posted: 10/14/2007

 Dream #233 (strange)
I am in a large, empty convent at a school I went to when I was younger, more specifically one of the cells with Andrew(ex-boyfriend), Taylor(Andrew's date) Brayden (Friend), Elena(Brayden's girlfrien...
Posted: 10/14/2007

 Dream #232 (freaky)
I was with my best friend and we were being chased by this freakishly large guy, he was African American. We were outside and in this place that seemed to be fenced in and he was on the outside. He ha...
Posted: 10/12/2007

 Dream #231 (not sure)
I am in a dark room ( yeah I know what your thinking ). when I feel I am lifting up off my feet very fast, but not straight up more at an angle backwards. Kinda like someone is going to throw you agai...
Posted: 10/11/2007

 Dream #230 (Marriage Proposal)
I had a dream that my boyfriend and I were just shooting the breeze talking and laughing walking down the street and all of a sudden he asked me to marry on a specific date. The date was 3/17/2008. Th...
Posted: 10/11/2007

 Dream #229 (scary)
This dream starts out with me in a hospital, the light is a sickly green color, I am walking slowly down the hallway and there is a man with a gun walking far behind me just as slowly as I am, he is f...
Posted: 10/11/2007

 Dream #228 (confusing)
this dream was about a week ago well the dream started off I my bed room I was talking to someone and is felt like the dream it fast forword then rewind then fast forword and in the background light t...
Posted: 10/11/2007

 Dream #227 (scary/ just plain weird)
ok i had this dream a while ago. i was on an elevator with my parents my sister and her husband. the elevator had no walls on it and we were really high up. when all a sudden i almost fell off. But my...
Posted: 10/10/2007

 Dream #226 (Sad-death)
I buried my best friend 3 months ago. I dreamnt we were at this party. But my sister (who was also close to him) and I were the only ones who could see him. When I looked at him though it didn't reall...
Posted: 10/10/2007

 Dream #225 (a little crazy)
i keep having a dream that my youngest daughter is being run over by a school bus. well not that she actuallly gets hit by the bus but that we are in a bus yard at a school and she is walking around i...
Posted: 10/10/2007

 Dream #224 (Scary)
Ok, SO I have this reoccuring dream(VERY often). I don't really recall how it begins, but the basic summary of it is: I'm in a Run down house out in a rural kind of farming district. I'm being held th...
Posted: 10/9/2007

 Dream #223 (Lucid (as always) scary)
he breaks into my house, finds me where i'm hiding, and stabs me to death where i lay. i watch myself bleed to death, almost like a 3rd party camera. this is a reoccuring dream. the man is my exboyfri...
Posted: 10/9/2007

 Dream #222 (Was it God?)
I had this dream a few months ago and it is still bothering me... THE DREAM: I am sitting in the van my father owned when I was a very young child, in the driveway of the duplex we lived in wh...
Posted: 10/9/2007

 Dream #221 (NIGHTMARE)
THE DREAM-- Im at some kind of national park with my son, my brother, his girlfriend and her little boy. We're having a picnic on a grassy area, and off to one side there is a huge drop off like a ...
Posted: 10/9/2007

 Dream #220 (Confusing)
I got married. Had a wedding, with guests, and a big white dress. After the ceremony, I was asked how my husband is, and I discovered that I did not have one. I married no one, and the reception food ...
Posted: 10/9/2007

 Dream #219 (Frightening)
I have had the same type of dream over and over for years now. The dreams always vary in setting, and the people in the dreams vary a bit...but there is always one constant: The Tornado. In every dre...
Posted: 10/9/2007

 Dream #218 (not sure)
I have about the same dream every now and again but a different situation. The basic of the dream is I am standing in front of a group of people whether they are friends or family. In front of somet...
Posted: 10/9/2007

 Dream #217 (Wishful Thinking)
Quite often I dream that I am pretty. It's something I have always wanted, and I have continued to dream myself into situations where I am the most beautiful girl/woman in the room since I was 10 yea...
Posted: 10/9/2007

 Dream #216 (strange and sad)
I dreamt this before we adopted our son. I dreamt that my husband and I were going to a hospital to pick up our adopted daughter. I think that it was a hospital. Everything was grey. When I went i...
Posted: 10/9/2007

 Dream #215 (weird)
When I was a child, I had a recurring dream that I was in a black and white field. Suddenly, there appreared black and white masked faces. They didn't try to scare me but just appreared and wouldn't...
Posted: 10/9/2007

 Dream #214 (strange)
this is my husband's dream. in 35 years of marriage, he has only had 1 dream that he remembers. the dream is that i'm a space alien (i'm not!). he wants to know why he doesn't remember dreams but h...
Posted: 10/9/2007

 Dream #213 (weird.)
OK, ive had two different dreams with this subject. ive been in a submarine in a lake (in places i recognize that really arent lakes. i.e- one was a field outside my school)with some of my friends tha...
Posted: 10/9/2007

 Dream #212 (Ex-boyfriend)
My boyfriend of 1 year broke up with me 2 weeks ago. Since then I moved out of the apartment. Every night since then I have had a dream about him. It is not a reoccuring dream but in my dream w...
Posted: 10/7/2007

 Dream #211 (unbelievable)
someone dreamt that i stabbed him but he survived ...
Posted: 10/3/2007

 Dream #210 (Dark Water)
I was in the middle of a dark water i think its an ocean, im not exactly sure what it is cause its evening. Im almost at the sea shore. The water was dark with full of catfish and not very far from me...
Posted: 9/27/2007

 Dream #209 ( Weird)
i keep dreaming that my goldfish and my friends goldfish wich im also taking care of are dead...
Posted: 8/29/2007

 Dream #208 (Strange)
Okay, my boyfreind lives with me, for the past week I've been dreaming of my ex-boyfreind, he was an amazing guy and I wasn't the best in the end. Long story short we went our seperate ways. He rece...
Posted: 8/27/2007

 Dream #207 (Happy and fun)
I was standing by a lake and suddenly I saw a very cute little black face looking up at me from the water. I noticed it was a fury creature of some sort. It was swimming happily on it's back. Then I s...
Posted: 8/13/2007

 Dream #206 (Weird.)
Last night I had a dream. Of course like all my dreams it was weird and left me scratching my head. Ok, I am currently unemployed due to downsizing. So here's my dream. My older sister hooked me up...
Posted: 8/13/2007

 Dream #205 (Naked on public places)
I often dream , suddenly i am naked, and it makes me feel very uncomfortable, some times others are aware of me being naked, some times they laugh seeing me, some times they don't care, and sometimes ...
Posted: 8/10/2007

 Dream #204 (Scary, maybe a lucid dream?)
The first time I was aware I had a lucid dream was admittedly frightening. I cant really tell you if I was awake or asleep, but I felt awake. I could smell the fabric softener I use on my sheet...
Posted: 8/7/2007

Posted: 7/29/2007

 Dream #202 (Confusing!)
I deamt I was looking after 2 kids. One was about 10 and the other about 3 years old. The part I remember clearly is that we were in a theme park and they wanted to get onto this bus. Old bus like ...
Posted: 7/18/2007

 Dream #201 (Oddball)
Bought this new Powerbook from the shiftiest looking dude... Guy said it was the latest powerbook, only out 3 weeks... it was all scuffed up, and really, looked more like an mpc or something.... but I...
Posted: 7/11/2007

Posted: 7/4/2007

 Dream #199 (Disturbing and scary)
It started out with me and my fiance wrestling on the floor, then out of nowhere he is holding a knife and cutting himself in the arm. I started to scream stop and tried to wrestle him down for the kn...
Posted: 6/27/2007

 Dream #198 (scary)
i was fighting with my ex on the rooftop of a very tall building. we were struggling pretty intently, i think he was trying to kill me, when i put my shoulder into his chest and PUSHED, he went flying...
Posted: 6/14/2007

 Dream #197 (insane!)
i was in my house but it wasnt really my house. i had moved in this big mansion.a few of my friends wer there.my best friend my ex and the guy im hooking up with and some other people i couldnt really...
Posted: 6/9/2007

 Dream #196 (Another Scary Dream)
Okay I had a dream that I was with some friends and I had left my young children at home with my aunt...so me and one of the ladies got into the car to go driving when we ran into a ditch..we got stuc...
Posted: 6/6/2007

 Dream #195 (Scary)
It was very late one evening before I finally retired to go to bed..I had the t.v. on and it was on the late night news..I kinda drifted off or so I thought into sleep when I saw this figure of a man ...
Posted: 6/6/2007

 Dream #194 (My sister Dies)
I come from a large famliy of 5 children. I am the oldest and this dream is about the youngest of us. She recently moved into an appartment 11 fllors high with her new boyfriend. My dream is...: I d...
Posted: 5/30/2007

 Dream #193 (A friendship in need of recovering)
I was at my band rehearsal & my director let me & some other people go home early. the rest of the band just got a 15 min. break. well on my way out of the baritone room, i saw (who was once my best...
Posted: 5/13/2007

Hi Someone Please help! I dreamt i was in this place where there was a filthy pit with muck. One woman(stranger) goes into the pit and dissapears. Then her boyfriend(another stranger) decides he wan...
Posted: 5/3/2007

 Dream #191 (Heaven)
My fiancee passed away in a horrible car accident back in October. Ever since then, I have been having dreams of him. Ones that I know he is dead but it's almost like he is still alive. Well the d...
Posted: 5/2/2007

 Dream #190 (Death)
I have recently been undergoing some changes in my life. A few days ago I had this dream that I thought could have meant something. I was skipping along a dirt road with a few of my closest friends...
Posted: 5/2/2007

 Dream #189 (Weird)
I am Studying acting in college and I had a dream about one of my scene partners. The night of our first scene performance I dreamt that we were doing our scene and we finished and then she came up to...
Posted: 5/2/2007

 Dream #188 (Death, Frightening)
this dream was very long and was full of action, but the ending in particular is what stuck out to me and frightened me..... i came back to my parents house and was doing dishes while my sister was...
Posted: 4/30/2007

 Dream #187 (CONFUSING)
I use to be in a relationship with this guy, but things really didint work out so he stoped talking to me. i was devistated and i couldnt get over him. we would talk once in a while and we saw eachoth...
Posted: 4/29/2007

 Dream #186 (wierd as hell)
In this dream we were trying to sell my house. and in my room there was this real wierd cord for a t.v., it was plugged in wrong, or sumthin. Someone was looking in my room and all of a sudden they w...
Posted: 4/27/2007

 Dream #185 (Prophetic perhaps)
Well i really dont remember a dream but this one is the one i never forget. Its about quite a bit long time perhaps a year now from that time i dreamt this dream. This is the dream: My friends and i...
Posted: 4/25/2007

 Dream #184 (Death Dream)
I had an upsetting dream last night. I was in the house I grew up in, but I was alone there. All of a sudden I realized I was dead, but I was IN my body. My body was actually going into rigamortis...
Posted: 4/24/2007

 Dream #183 (Nostalgic and sad)
I was in the forest with my ex boyfriend, looking out over a valley from a cliff edge with trees behind us. He turned to me and said "Fuckin Bekah (my name), I can do it! I can move to Japan!". H...
Posted: 4/21/2007

 Dream #182 (Lucid)
(First of four dreams last night) Driving along the BQE in Brooklyn I am in the passenger seat with a "friend" in the driver's seat. He isn't someone I recognize in real life but he resembles some...
Posted: 4/21/2007

 Dream #181 (Way too random)
This is my first time so I don't really know what to expect here.... I have been having a lot of dreams about being back in college lately. I graduated 3 years ago but I continually have dreams t...
Posted: 4/19/2007

 Dream #180 (Random?)
Well for starters I live in the state of Hawaii (Different cultures and such) And I stopped talking to a girl I liked alot.. couple weeks ago. Anyway this is a serious dream I just woke up from half a...
Posted: 4/5/2007

 Dream #179 (Scary)
These past 2 days, ive been dreaming about dead people. first day, i dreamt about my exboyfriend dies(we broke up 4 months ago but still very close) . I dont even want to go to his funeral because i...
Posted: 4/2/2007

 Dream #178 (Pet Communication)
A few weeks back, I had a very short & simple dream. My beloved 11 year cat, Little Honey, came right up to my face and gave me a big kiss, a lick that is of course. (It is the only time she ever ca...
Posted: 3/30/2007

 Dream #177 (freaks give me super-powers)
My friend Eric and I were in some all-indoor school-like facility, roaming the halls, when we noticed at each corner of the building was a ladder going up. I told Eric that we should check these out ...
Posted: 3/26/2007

 Dream #176 (Strange)
So last year one of these chicks who i thought was my best friend came up behind me and pulled my hair and punched me in the face. I didnt fight back but i tried to get away from her. After it was d...
Posted: 3/16/2007

 Dream #175 (wierd as hell)
i dreamt that i was sitting over at my friends house. i got a text message from an unknown number and it said "if u want the devil in your closet press okay" and i though it was just a joke, so i pres...
Posted: 3/16/2007

 Dream #174 (CRAZY)
In my dream I saw this girl I know and so we started walking around the woods. She spotted a unicorn and we went and rode on it and it kept trying to take us into some direction. So we finally let h...
Posted: 3/15/2007

 Dream #173 (Crazy Shit)
Well, this isnt about 1 particuler dream. im a junior now but in my freshmen year, i was relizing that i was having dreams about the future. Like someone will say something that triggers in my head ...
Posted: 3/12/2007

 Dream #172 (lucid)
As I found my conscious self in this city out of the nothing I decided to check it out. Of course when you are conscious in a dream you are pretty much God in it. I flew around meeting people and hear...
Posted: 3/1/2007

 Dream #171 (Eary)
Well Here it goes.. this is a reacuring dream. I am doind someting in my house it alaways is differant. My soon to be husband is with me.. My mother comes in and yells at me trys sleeping with my husa...
Posted: 2/28/2007

 Dream #170 (talking dogs and golden showers)
Okay I'm back peeps. Had a dream the other night that I was buying a hoody/jacket hybrid that came shrink-wrapped with two stale slices of sugary toast. Next I was in some house and I had to break ...
Posted: 2/26/2007

 Dream #169 (really weird)
i was walking to school with a bunch of friends and some japanese exchange students, and i was trying to cross the street when i slipped on the ice and fell flat on my stomach. i kept sliding uncomfor...
Posted: 2/24/2007

 Dream #168 (Dream about Fetuses)
These scientist detectives were finding dead fetuses in the dirt, they were collecting them and putting them in this big fancy glass bottle, there was 12 fetuses all up. They took them back to the l...
Posted: 2/5/2007

 Dream #167 (un nerving)
It was in a strange place. It had many large columns, mostly all white very clean, seemed to have a large domed celing. seemed as tho many ppl slept in there on lil indensitions in the walls,seemed ve...
Posted: 2/1/2007

 Dream #166 (weird)
my sister ad a dream just before xmas as id passed my driving test as im taking in feb 07 and wen i dropped her home all her teeth began too fall out how weird is that...
Posted: 1/24/2007

 Dream #165 (casual..)
It was weird... for some reason my boyfriend(sam) and I were on our way to Colorado and I was driving... My sister was with us but then later gradually faded out of my dream. I know its not much but t...
Posted: 1/22/2007

 Dream #164 (Just wondering)
I cannot remember my dream, all I remember is a vivid image of a centaur/fawn, half woman, half horse. She had on black t-shirt, dont know what else. She moved in society normally and nobody gave her ...
Posted: 1/14/2007

 Dream #163 (Unpleasent)
I dreamed of being chased by a bad person (unknown to me) them in a car me on a bike. For serveral minutes he was after me, chasing me through the city trying to harm me. I eventually got away but c...
Posted: 1/13/2007

 Dream #162 (Future)
I dreamed of being with my sister in her room with her boyfriend, I was able to stop him in midst of telling a story I've never heard & tell him the rest of it. Changing what happened in my dream but ...
Posted: 1/13/2007

 Dream #161 (Lucid/serene)
i am looking out of a groundfloor window in what could be a future home. Next to me/in my arms/just in front of me is my wife/female companion. We look out to a field in which a white horse frolics. W...
Posted: 1/12/2007

 Dream #160 (insanoid!)
I'm laying in my bed when bugs start coming out of my mouth and covering my entire body - at first i am paralysed with fear but after I am entirely engulfed I feel fine - it is as if an exo-skelton ha...
Posted: 1/12/2007

 Dream #159 (Sad)
I live in a one bedroom apt. with my husband and 2 small dogs. the dogs are like my children they are always with me and sleep with me the whole nine yards. I let them out to use the bathroom they are...
Posted: 1/9/2007

 Dream #158 (New Year's/Prince Dream)
i have to qualify this by the fact that i totally don't think about prince much more than the average person and i hadn't really thought about him recently.

just woke up from the craziest...
Posted: 1/1/2007

 Dream #157 (totally insane)
My dream: My husband and I went to this bar that we go to on a regular basis. My husband is bartending and I am sitting at the end of the bar just having a drink by myself. There are plenty of peo...
Posted: 12/24/2006

 Dream #156 (death)
hi i am rod and my mom wrote you guys about my dreams the answer to the question you ask her about the colors in my dreams is that the dreams have color and looked as if they were real.these dreams we...
Posted: 12/20/2006

 Dream #155 (pets very scarry)
my parents breed german shepherds (well did) so i've been around for every litter to help as much as i can and if you've ever been there you know what it's like to have a little puppy die on you... we...
Posted: 12/17/2006

 Dream #154 (self-condition)
I dreamed I was in a thing that looked like a cross between a flying saucer without a top and a Star Wars air craft (shaped like a disc). I was hovering/flying in between 2 buildings in a city, like ...
Posted: 12/14/2006

 Dream #153 (Heart Attack)
Someone had a dream about me.. a close friend of mine.. she had a dream that I had a heart attack, and all of my friends were there and no one could come in the room but my Inlaws and my husband. The...
Posted: 12/12/2006

 Dream #152 (aggrivating)
I keep having dreams about someone. I woke up today and I think I realized who. Theres this guy, Im in love. I don't know why. We've seen eachother only a few times. He has a girlfriend. He is always...
Posted: 12/12/2006

 Dream #151 (night mare)
for the past month I have been having some weird dreams where I have been waking up in a sweat. I keep having this dream to where someone is either after me or standing over me and when I try to wake...
Posted: 11/21/2006

 Dream #150 (Scary)
I have a reacurring dream that Im laying in bed. Feeling half asleep and half awake. I feel scared that there is something in my room so I try to put on the light but it fuses. I feel heavy and its a ...
Posted: 11/20/2006

 Dream #149 (real life)
I dreamt that my fathers deceased wife was alive, and she went to the UK for medical treatment, but would come back to SA well. This is a back and forth motion that she's been doing throughout the dre...
Posted: 11/9/2006

 Dream #148 (Weird)
This was a dream in a dream in a dream. First, I was dreaming that I was at school, taking a night class. It was pretty boring but when I "woke up" I rolled over, fell off my bed, but kept falling int...
Posted: 11/6/2006

 Dream #147 (night terror?)
i was very young. my dream was sepia toned. i was in a very long, rectangular room. one long wall and the two short walls were made up of dirty, smudgy windows. the other wall had a bunch of doors...
Posted: 10/27/2006

 Dream #146 (frightening)
i had a recurring dream (when i was very small) that there was a dragon in my basement. i was the only one who could go in the basement safely, because the dragon was very dangerous. i could tell w...
Posted: 10/27/2006

 Dream #145 (frightening)
i used to have a recurring dream (when i was little) that i was in huge house with my entire family--immediate and extended. the house was on a large plot of land with lots of grass and was surrounded...
Posted: 10/27/2006

 Dream #144 (Cheating)
I've been with my girlfriend for three months now. We are both very open to eachother and are deeply in love. But reciently, she had a series of dreams where she cheated on me, 3 times. In her firs...
Posted: 10/24/2006

 Dream #143 (Was I an Ant or What?)
I have had a particular dream ever since I was very young boy, the dream is about having to move a huge pile of sand (one grain at a time) from one room to another room down a long hallway. ...
Posted: 10/23/2006

 Dream #142 (religious)
I had this dream about an year ago, and it still keep spinning on my head sometimes........ I remembered I finished something......then a person walked towards me and said "you should go to see the...
Posted: 10/15/2006

 Dream #141 (Traumatic)
For several months my son has been having re-occuring dreams that he and I are in a terrible car accident. The dreams vary somewhat, but they always involve us plunging into water and I always die. ...
Posted: 10/13/2006

 Dream #140 (weird)
I had a dream that my mom bought a snapping turtle. I was laying on the couch and one of my friends was sitting next to me. The snapping turtle came up and bit him on his finger. Then the turtle went ...
Posted: 10/2/2006

 Dream #139 (scary)
i saw dat thre is diseaster in a country, some evil things are detraking people aand God has given me the power aand i become hide from dat evil thing. then i started to pic the people and drop them t...
Posted: 10/2/2006

 Dream #138 (dead pet)
Last night I dreamt that I was in the middle of a normal, every day conversation when out of the corner of my eye I spotted my beloved cat, Tina. She was walking toward me but not looking directly at ...
Posted: 9/30/2006

 Dream #137 (Scary)
In the dream I was in somebody else's body. It was Al Pacino's body! I was Al Pacino and I was murdering people. I was stabbing them and hacking their heads off with a machete. I had this dream ev...
Posted: 9/28/2006

 Dream #136 (Metaphorically deep)
I was in an unfamiliar place. I was brought into a room where a man I had never seen before in waking state was waiting, sitting on a bed. He was half dressed (in his shorts only) and had a line of ...
Posted: 9/9/2006

 Dream #135 (Terrifying)
Scary, hell!! This was just plain old terrifying. Ever since I've been a young girl I've always had dreams of the once living but now dead. Complete strangers to me. Sometimes they come with messa...
Posted: 9/4/2006

 Dream #134 (Weird)
Hmm, I don't remember much. I guess the most vivid part of my dream was Linda chasing after Mark for some reason and me holding back Shannon from getting to Mark because I know he doesn't want to spea...
Posted: 8/8/2006

 Dream #133 (NOt Sure!)
where to begin....a long while back i had a dream that this guy i like asked me to marry him at our church outside in the parking lot....about roughly 3 weeks later my friend had the same dream but on...
Posted: 8/8/2006

 Dream #132 (vampire)
i rearly have theses kind of dreams, but if i do none of them spoke me a smuch asi do. my friend angie and i and my mom and sister isin it . is at the airport and this guy my mom is seeingin my ...
Posted: 8/6/2006

 Dream #131 (Weird)
I dreamt my mom does not like the guy I'm seeing. We were at my parents house and when I woke up next to this guy my mom chased us out. THe bed sheet was cream but it had little red blood spots on i...
Posted: 8/3/2006

 Dream #130 (Lucid, Enjoyable, Alternate Childhood?)
Me, my buddy KJ, and Canerdreams Chimney are in a band, and we're 12 years old. We're about to sign to a major label, but before we seal the deal, the A&R woman (who might have been Joan Cusack, actua...
Posted: 7/31/2006

 Dream #129 (DEAD PETS)
I have this dream often, at least once a month. My 2 dogs, a german shepherd and a cocker spaniel, have both been gone for 8 and 7 years, respectively. My dream is that I see them alive, and realize...
Posted: 7/30/2006

 Dream #128 (sexy)
I was out with my friends at a pool and we were hanging out with some guys. One of them i liked. Me and went to his room and had sex. And he made me give him a blow job and i woke up right before i di...
Posted: 7/28/2006

 Dream #127 (beautiful & set in late 1800's)
The dream is supposed to be in like the late 1800's. It starts out with me up in a victorian style house on a balcony with several other women- all of us are dressed in the whole 1800's dresses etc. ...
Posted: 7/20/2006

 Dream #126 (Stabbing)
The guy I've been seeing had a dream last night and he said it felt so real that when he woke up he started crying. He dreamt we were at a pub and we were just about to go. He remembers a friends re...
Posted: 7/12/2006

 Dream #125 (insane)
Had a very wierd dream last night. I rarely recall my dreams. This one was actually from this morning... Sue & I went to a party. It was a big, strange house. Very tall, pointy. Green or gray, I ...
Posted: 7/7/2006

 Dream #124 (death)
ok i dont know who else can say this but i have died in dreams before, like at least 6 times and only two of those was falling and nothing happened. I was fine and i didnt die (well duh cuz im typing...
Posted: 6/29/2006

 Dream #123 (Infidelity?)
My girlfriend woke up today and would barely talk to me, but said she "didn't want to talk about it"... Later she sent me an email saying she was sorry about not talking - but that she had had a ...
Posted: 6/1/2006

 Dream #122 (dying)
My best friend and I were shot last july. He was murdered, I was lucky and miss him so much. 80 percent of my dreams are with him. Most of them are about him being back and I say omg Mikey! I've m...
Posted: 5/29/2006

 Dream #121 (running)
I had a dream that I was sleeping and my ex boyfriend's mom was in the kitchen. I heard a bang of the door and her voice was gone. I went out and she was gone. Someone called and said they had her ...
Posted: 5/29/2006

 Dream #120 (Scary)
I(17) was at work alone with Alan(51). I was cleaning out the drains when he walks in the back and starts hitting on me. Then when I ask him to please leave me alone he grabs my arm and starts hitting...
Posted: 5/18/2006

 Dream #119 (stabbing)
I dreamt that my ex stabbed me 17 times...
Posted: 5/15/2006

 Dream #118 (a little scary)
I had a dream that involved several diffrent stories in it. the one i remeber most is about being able to see with in a river that is brown and a disformed body, that included bent arms and legs, flo...
Posted: 5/13/2006

 Dream #117 (Spiders! Oh yuck!)
I dreamed I was at a neighbor ladies house and she had three spiders in her yard; a mother, father, and a son. Their bodies were a creamy white color with brown swirls (strange). The neighbor lady pic...
Posted: 4/30/2006

 Dream #116 (Dreaming of premonition dreams... Double dreaming?)
On two separate occasions I have had a dream where I am dreaming of future events. In my "double dream" state I witness events that disturb me causing me to have a false awakening. When I awake from...
Posted: 4/30/2006

 Dream #115 (serious rejection)
This dream came out of nowhere. I feel very confident in my 8 month relationship with my boyfriend. We were best friends for two years before dating. In my dream I think I did somehting to annoy hi...
Posted: 4/22/2006

 Dream #114 (can not understand)
Posted: 4/19/2006

 Dream #113 (estranged)
I actually belong to a spiritual community where we worship together. This isn't the dream but actually a background information about me. But the dream actually goes like this - i suddenly ostracise ...
Posted: 4/2/2006

 Dream #112 (surprising)
I am in this big building going on with some people. I predict that a bomb will explode at 10.45 and many people say it won't happen or are atleast very skeptical about it. But when we are in the base...
Posted: 4/2/2006

 Dream #111 (Confusing 10 year dream has now changed)
Ok, All my life I have realy only had one dream that repeats itself, and for some reason it is always in bright colors. I am in Hawaii(guessing) standing on the beach looking out at the waves which co...
Posted: 3/23/2006

 Dream #110 (Ex Boyfriend recurring dream)
First for a little background. My ex was/is a great man. We broke up for very stupid reasons but it was mostly my fault. I was given an ultimatum to give up the man or my father. So flash forward...
Posted: 3/18/2006

 Dream #109 (Dead pet visit)
I just lost a very, very beloved companion. My kitty, Way Cool. I had him cremated and keep his little box of ashes beside my bed. He died Dec 7th. after staying alive for 16 years and hanging on bec...
Posted: 3/9/2006

 Dream #108 (Emotions, choices)
I went on a business sort of trip with this group of people. We seemed to be running some sort of large function, a weekend fair of some sort. Anyways during this weekend, I found myself shopping wi...
Posted: 2/20/2006

 Dream #107 (sex? Funny)
My boyfriend M and I and a guy J from where I work are in my boyfriends car. ( Its a blue hearse which Yes he really does own a hearse in real life to) Anyway were driving down the road in Salt Lake...
Posted: 2/19/2006

 Dream #106 (Shadow Figure)
I dreamed that I was running fom this female shadow like figure. I hid in the closet and when the scene was clear, I ran until I saw a recliner. I rested there because I was tired. The shadow figure s...
Posted: 2/18/2006

 Dream #105 (Clone)
I dreamed that I had a Clone and He was trying to kill me....
Posted: 2/18/2006

 Dream #104 (About My First Love)
I dreamed about my ex girlfriend. We reunited and the situation was wonderful. It was perfect....
Posted: 2/18/2006

 Dream #103 (Bloody,wierd)
Ok in this dream I am sitting up in bed, my side is against the wall.(which is true in real life ) It is our bed (mine and my boyfriends) in the dream but completely different from waking life. Anyway...
Posted: 2/16/2006

 Dream #102 (Weird)
I had a very weird dream, i dont remember the begin but it starts with me on the phone with my fiancee, he tells me he will be right over, we get ready to hang up and as i go to do this i still hear h...
Posted: 2/15/2006

 Dream #101 (Message, comforting,)
My family was sitting in our living room on a saturday morning, going about or normal business when my grandma and Aunt, and cousins dropped in. (that sounds normal enough but ,i cut ties with that s...
Posted: 2/14/2006

 Dream #100 (Message)
I am working at what looks to be an elemetary school, but some of my co-workers from my last job are there. I am painting and complaining iam still the only one that does it, to an ex co-worker. As ...
Posted: 2/14/2006

 Dream #99 (Emotions, Feeling Ill, sorting)
My dreams were very scattered last night, I had asked for guidance before falling asleep. Guidance in my carreer. This is what i got.------ -I went to the doctor, for a stomach ache. The nurse b...
Posted: 2/14/2006

 Dream #98 (Emotions, In-love)
I was my current age but i met this guy who seemed to be much younger than me. We seemed to be just starting out in a relationship, we were inseperable and deeply turned on by each others touch. A f...
Posted: 2/14/2006

 Dream #97 (Shapeshifting)
I was younger and in a basement with a guy i had a small crush on. We were laying on a couch reading spooky stories. We ended up freaking ourselves out so bad we could'nt move. We wanted to go back...
Posted: 2/14/2006

 Dream #96 (Message)
A pet Raven and a pet cat, both black. These were my helpers, if i needed something the Raven flew for it, if i needed jam cleaned off the floor the cat did it. People were afraid of my pets and i w...
Posted: 2/14/2006

 Dream #95 (Frustrating)
An unknown older man that I seemed to dislike finally brought me the product I had ordered from him after what seemed like weeks. One of the items was like a talisman with all these different gold pi...
Posted: 2/14/2006

 Dream #94 (Scary, very lucid)
I dreamt that i was sleeping in this house unknown to me. All these kids were running around, my three included, inside and outside the house. I felt i should be getting up to put all these kids back ...
Posted: 2/14/2006

 Dream #93 (scary)
I was running down a hill, maybe being chased, and I fell down. When I looked up, I saw a beautiful waterfalls in front of me. I was scared, but I was also calmed and awed by the beauty of the falls...
Posted: 2/9/2006

 Dream #92 (Lucid and Insane)
So in the dream I was quasi dating this girl who used to be a lesbian. She was cute, but she had a lot of guy-ish qualities about the way she acted and thought and expressed herself, and i pretty much...
Posted: 2/2/2006

 Dream #91 (Sad)
I recently had a dream in which I knew my aunt was going to die. In this dream she was still alive, and she knew that she was going to die as well. She was supposed to die in about a week. After I h...
Posted: 1/27/2006

 Dream #90 (Confusing)
In my dream it was raining hard and I was soaked to the bone and shivering. I was walking at the side of a mountain that had jagged rocks, which caused my feet to start bleeding. My 2 best friends wer...
Posted: 1/25/2006

 Dream #89 (Lucid)
I was sitting in Ridgways class (my english teacher) in the second row on the left side of the class room it was night time and she like didnt have any lights on. but for somereason the class room has...
Posted: 1/22/2006

 Dream #88 (relaxed)
I was in a video store that I remember dreaming about when I was younger--or perhaps I was actually in it when I was younger. The shelves against the window were short and the one against the wall was...
Posted: 1/21/2006

 Dream #87 (weird)
My dream starts out where I am at a resturaunt with my friends and my co-workers from my job at an ice cream shop. I notice that there are other people at the resturaunt that I know but I guess that i...
Posted: 1/20/2006

 Dream #86 (bad dream)
me and my wife were renting two different apartments, in a city with lots for connections complexes. we met up with two other aquantese and invided them over for a movie... Our aquantises went a hea...
Posted: 1/19/2006

 Dream #85 (torndao)
i had a dream that i and my boyfirend was standing in the living room where we leave and we seen a torndao out the window then we were trying ot run to a safe place and ifeelit like it was real i wond...
Posted: 1/19/2006

 Dream #84 (having a dreamof my ex boyfirend that i went back wiht him and we were happy)
i dreamed that me and my x boyfriend was happy and was having sex and was waiting on poeple to leave us alone and i dont know how to comply wiht it i dont have any cule why i had it but someoen help w...
Posted: 1/19/2006

 Dream #83 (vivid)
being scooped up in the arms of a man and swung around laughing. same man meeting my four children aged between 15 and 25. protecting me against my ex-husband. woke in a bath of sweat this was 3 cont...
Posted: 1/18/2006

 Dream #82 (Ghostly)
Myself and the cast of Buffy the Vampire Slayer were searching a large, t-shaped attic. I dont know why. We were rummaging through boxes, moving things around, etc. when suddenly we heard singing. I...
Posted: 1/17/2006

 Dream #81 (Scary!!)
I was in my apartment. My boyfriend had gone out somewhere, I don't know where. I was wearing just a t-shirt and my underwear, which is usual sleepwear for me. I was going into the bedroom to, uh......
Posted: 1/17/2006

 Dream #80 (Nightmarish, but Sexy)
My dream was like watching a horror movie, although not a lot of it was really scary to me. The first part I remember is going on a school trip to a pool. I got there before I realized that I did...
Posted: 1/17/2006

 Dream #79 (love)
I had a dream that my boyfriend didnt love me any more, in the dream he just said that he wasnt interested in me anymore and that he didnt love me at all. It's not like this at all in real life....
Posted: 1/13/2006

 Dream #78 (SCARY)
My mom and I were outside on the porch, smoking a cigarette at night. I look over and see a light moving, coming from the side of the house. It was someone running around to the front of the house w...
Posted: 1/13/2006

 Dream #77 (confusing)
I had a dream that my ex boyfriend, one that I had about three years ago, and that is still a friend of mine and we speak every blue moon, was in my brother's room with my brother and I, and began fli...
Posted: 1/12/2006

 Dream #76 (Love)
I was at school and this boy named David walked in and he kissed me....
Posted: 1/11/2006

 Dream #75 (angels)
He came to see his angel one day but she was still sleeping. Her grandpa tried to wake her up but couldnt so he sent him up to awake her. He went and sat on her bed. He kissed her lightly on her f...
Posted: 1/6/2006

 Dream #74 (scary)
My boyfriend told me that he had a dream about me going to mexico with my family, and that he got a call saying that they had me held captive, and that they would kill me if he didn't give them money....
Posted: 1/3/2006

 Dream #73 (confusing)
I had a dream that my boyfriend, which I've been going out with for about two weeks, all of a sudden saw me at school, and acted as if we were not together anymore. He would ignore me, and look at me ...
Posted: 1/3/2006

 Dream #72 (What do I tell the Pastor?)
I need help with this one! If there is something I need to warn the pastor about, I would like to know. Approximately a month, maybe a month and a half ago I had a dream and in the dream I kept te...
Posted: 12/13/2005

 Dream #71 (Fun)
Heres a pretty cool dream I had a while back. It started off like a move, I was observing rather than participating. I was in downtown Montreal and I was watching Malcom from Malcom in the Middle a...
Posted: 12/12/2005

 Dream #70 (Short But Interesting)
I had a dream the other day I was staying in a tent in the amazon jungle with a friend. We were staying in an open space surrounded by trees beside a small pond/lake. My friend had gone to the shops (...
Posted: 12/12/2005

 Dream #69 (Madness)
It started off like a movie, I was there but was watching rather than participating. For some reason I was watching a gang of Swedish guys walking around a dock looking for something. It was at the do...
Posted: 12/12/2005

 Dream #68 (Strange But Funny)
Right after the soya pop dream I found myself stting at a table in sort sort of office. To my right was Samuel L Jackson and on the other side of the table was some black lady, I had the impression sh...
Posted: 12/12/2005

 Dream #67 (Strange)
Started off I was walking down the street eating an icepop somewhere downtown. When I finished the icepop I noticed a free icepop vending machine. What was weirder than the fact it was a "free" icepop...
Posted: 12/12/2005

 Dream #66 (Lucid & Crazy & Flying)
The dream started off in the city, I dont remember what was going on but I found myself flying in the dream so after a while I realized I was dreaming. This is the first time I was actually able to...
Posted: 12/12/2005

 Dream #65 (Just Plain Weird)
This is a compilation of weird dreams I had last night, most of them are so short ill put them all into one. I dont remember what exact order they happened in but i'll take a guess. I think the ...
Posted: 12/12/2005

 Dream #64 (Scary...)
Okay, this was a dream that occurred to me just before I woke up this morning. I was captured by this guy. He was big, tall, had white unruly hair, and a long white beard with some gray. He was almost...
Posted: 11/25/2005

 Dream #63 (Scary)
I keep having this recurring dream where I'm being chased by large spiders. Now anyone that knows me knows that I am a total arachnophobe,so these dreams are horrible! Last night I had a diferent twis...
Posted: 11/23/2005

 Dream #62 (Intriguing)
In my dream I was riding in a car with my boyfriend, almost fiance, and his sister. His sister was driving, he was riding shotgun, and I was in the backseat. His sister was speeding and driving comp...
Posted: 11/17/2005

 Dream #61 (weird)
....I suddenly am at heritage high shcool but the building appears to be abandoned and there is a queer feeling in the air...As we enter the school, I realize there is a olympic sized pool with large ...
Posted: 11/17/2005

 Dream #60 (Stressful)
In this dream a friend of mine stole a car - a Lexus for whatever reason - and I was with him, so I of course was an accessory to the crime. The entire dream took place at night on a barren coastal h...
Posted: 11/14/2005

 Dream #59 (Lucid/Insane)
Hello all, this is my first dream post here, so here it goes. I usually have lucid dreams but I was almst really there. It was in some sort of jungle with a stream/small river. But everything around ...
Posted: 11/10/2005

 Dream #58 (Might come true?)
Two nights ago, I dreamt that I was fighting with someone. I used to be friends with this one girl at school and now we can't stand each other. We were fighting in a hallway at the school and apparent...
Posted: 11/3/2005

 Dream #57 (Weird...)
This dream occurred just last night. I was piling firewood with my dad at my grandpa's. Although there were pieces strewn about the yard; by the old garage and woodstove, there was some maple logs as ...
Posted: 11/1/2005

 Dream #56 (Sort of Scary but odd)
I was sat on a chair in my bedroom as it was when i was a child and i was watching my child self sleeping. I could see the dreams that he was having and they were the dreams that i used to have. i fou...
Posted: 10/30/2005

 Dream #55 (odd.)
I was a school but everything seems so much darker. And I walk into the school office and I sit down in a chair. There are all these strange gothic people standing around me and they hand me a antique...
Posted: 10/25/2005

 Dream #54 (sorta scary)
This one is from a little while back but I'd still like to know what it means. I was at school, but it wasn't my school. It was quite different. And I'm walking through these hallways and I walk b...
Posted: 10/25/2005

 Dream #53 (Totally Insane)
Well okay here it goes. I'll give you a little bit of back ground on my ex-boyfriend and I. We dated 6 months, and only broke up four months ago. Before he left to go away for two months he made me pr...
Posted: 10/25/2005

 Dream #52 (painful)
I was at a doctors office to get a few shots. The doctor was cute-young, long wavy black hair, cute glasses--so I was flirting with her. She gave me one of the "easy" shots and I complemented her ne...
Posted: 10/25/2005

 Dream #51 (Lucid)
I was out shopping with my best friend when my ex came up to us. He was telling me he still had feelings for me etc etc. As we walked past a jewellery shop I said to him "Ok, if you really have feel...
Posted: 10/18/2005

 Dream #50 (Quite entertaining)
you are going to read my dream UnlovedBattery (6:10:23 PM): ew! no Fallen409 (6:10:58 PM): there were people that were cannibals or something and they could bite through people's bones.... and they ...
Posted: 10/17/2005

 Dream #49 (a bit worrying!)
I was being chased for a long time across fields and hills. I had to keep climbing little walls and fences. The person chasing me was getting nearer, i could feel them close behind me. In the end i ha...
Posted: 10/17/2005

 Dream #48 (Funny!)
I fell down a shute wearing my red spotty pyjamas and landed in a supermarket. I was embarrassed because i looked a mess, my hair was all over the place. (i have long hair). Then i realised i was in a...
Posted: 10/17/2005

 Dream #47 (Two paths)
Had a dream about two paths. A friend was in the dream trying to coerce me to go one way which was around this long wall with a very narrow ledge that touched very dark and murky waters (with gree...
Posted: 10/16/2005

 Dream #46 (dull!)
This was sort of a culmination of things that were happening in my real life. It was pretty strange to see it play out. I was late for a Psi Chi meeting, and I was running there. I arrived and sa...
Posted: 10/13/2005

 Dream #45 (Strange nightmare.)
I was sitting outside on a street with some friends (dream-friends, I don't know them in waking life). The street was sort of like the street I grew up on. I was sitting on a large, white concrete s...
Posted: 10/13/2005

 Dream #44 (unsure.)
my father was angry with me for not inventing the concept of CGI & demanded to know why i didn't declare it as my college major (??). i tried to explain to him that it was completely impossible for m...
Posted: 10/9/2005

 Dream #43 (Frustrating)
Dan, David and I were riding a bicycle built for three. It was really awkward and I couldn't figgure out how to steer it (I was at the front). It kept going backwards and not turning the right directi...
Posted: 10/9/2005

 Dream #42 (completely crazy)
i was very small, and i was running around with the characters from Toy Story. We went into the back of a closet, where there was a hole in the wall. In the hole there was a piping system which was fi...
Posted: 10/8/2005

 Dream #41 (Lucid)
I dream that I am in a mall, with my friends and I start jumping. When I jump its really high, to where I almost hit my head on the ceiling. I do this throughout the entire dream and I end up hitting ...
Posted: 10/8/2005

 Dream #40 (unknown)
it was raining outside. i went indoors. into a house that i have never been in. into the second floor of this house. there was an exterior door that went to this floor..but i recall looking down a squ...
Posted: 10/7/2005

 Dream #39 (from the archives; scary, cinematic)
It was a very cinematic dream. I was in a dark movie theatre, with River (boyfriend). We were the only ones there. The theatre was very small and the screen, though small, was large in comparison to t...
Posted: 10/7/2005

 Dream #38 (Freakin' awesome.)
I was in a modern record store. I believe it to be modern, anyway. It seemed familiar to me. I was flipping through the old used vinyls. I stopped suddenly 'cause the cover of one said "Black Sabb...
Posted: 10/7/2005

 Dream #37 (scary)
I had a dream that I was driving and was with a friend and as I was driving into the center lane a car crashed into me, as soon as we impacted everything started moving in slow motion, and i could see...
Posted: 10/7/2005

 Dream #36 ( disjointed , not plausible)
It was a guided expedition-hike . From a gravel road along a stream, up through pine and fir and cedar and madrone forests and further on to a pristine alpine lake which was the final destination....
Posted: 10/6/2005

 Dream #35 (Confusing)
I had this dream and I knew I had it before while i was having it. It starts off with me in this huge room, very high ceiling, big empty floor, two glass staricases going up, and girls in glass dr...
Posted: 10/5/2005

 Dream #34 (Strange)
There are devastating storms going on in diffrent parts of the world. These storms are like nothing that has ever been seen before. Whenever the hit they totally destroy everything. They only hit in...
Posted: 10/4/2005

 Dream #33 (scary. but happy?!)
ok, so i had this dream about me, living in a small town and i had an apartment and owned a flower shop... kind of boring. ahha.. And this town was near a beach, it looked like a beach on the Atlantic...
Posted: 9/30/2005

 Dream #32 (i was a soldier)
it was all dim!! im so exhausted and starving, until i look at mahself, i was wearing a soldier's uniform. At first i thought i was all alone, then suddenly someone tap mah shoulder. I can't see the f...
Posted: 9/27/2005

 Dream #31 (Bizarre)
In my dream I was at the County fair with my husband. There was an ultrasound machine in one of those "try it free" booths. I put it on my stomach to demonstrate how they use ultrasound technology in ...
Posted: 9/26/2005

 Dream #30 (Emotionless and Tense at the same time)
There was a figure eight racetrack with two cars and drivers going around it. One of the drivers kept on cutting through the grass to get in front of the other driver. So instead of going around the...
Posted: 9/26/2005

 Dream #29 (Shocked, yet Calm)
I was in a house that I don't remember ever seeing before. My ex-fiance and I were sleeping in a bedroom and I got up and walked down a short hallway into another room with a big window. I glanced to ...
Posted: 9/26/2005

 Dream #28 (Shocking and Exciting)
My ex-fiance came over to my house while my husband was home. When I opened the door I pretended to be shocked and amazed that he was there and that I was seeing him again for the first time after all...
Posted: 9/26/2005

 Dream #27 (Weird)
I went into a place that as soon as you walk in there are rows of people lying on beds that are four or five tall. The people do not seem to be unhappy. They seem calm and content like they belong her...
Posted: 9/26/2005

 Dream #26 (emotionally disturbing-Rare)
I 'enterd the matrix' so to speak... In the dream I was back at the home i had grew up in. My mother had grounded me, handed me her tongue and told me that if i didnt get it clean i was in d...
Posted: 9/25/2005

 Dream #25 (Children/babies -odd)
This is from several weeks ago so I might not get every detail. A significant old girlfriend of my partner whom I have befriended recently had a child. It was a boy. In this dream she had a little gir...
Posted: 9/22/2005

 Dream #24 (confusing)
I had a dream that my boyfriend did not want to be with me anymore. What does this mean?...
Posted: 9/20/2005

 Dream #23 (starry)
the host a male who has blonde hair from australian idol in my dream wow and he was talking to me and i had little gold stars all around me ...
Posted: 9/20/2005

 Dream #22 (nightmare/scary/insane...all of the above)
My dream is sorta kinda trippy...a little scary, I saw my soul fly out of my body into someone els 's body, as I try to get away from somone who was trying to kill me, after he had rape the girl's bod...
Posted: 9/19/2005

 Dream #21 (Erotic)
My Dream I just wanted to share a dream that I had sometime ago that has some disturbing elements. I have had erotic dreams more in recent years than in past ones. This dream was very graphic ...
Posted: 9/19/2005

 Dream #20 (Adrenalin-pumped!)
Most of the dreams that I recall have themes of me escaping something or someone or I'm fighting something or someone. It's the same I have in this afternoon nap dream ^^;; I was trying to avoid ge...
Posted: 9/18/2005

 Dream #19 (Significant)
I'd moved to a different land. There was a huge expansion of space, outside, the sun was bright and different groups of people were involved in different activities. I wandered from one group to ano...
Posted: 9/17/2005

 Dream #18 (weird)
Was riding in a public transport vehicle, opening up a package that looked like a box for a mobile phone. Was taking out a lot of black cables and pulled out the mobile phone itself. Was looking for t...
Posted: 9/17/2005

 Dream #17 (confusing)
everyone ive ever meet was in this dream. for the most part a few people had a major impact on it, ill break it down by person. Ive been friends with Billy since i was a baby. in the dream he was doin...
Posted: 9/16/2005

 Dream #16 (Insane)
I was back in my old high school and all the floor had dissapeared andall it was, was the pipes running underground. so i had to walk across them to get places. I was the only person in the school exc...
Posted: 9/16/2005

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