Real Name: | Bridget DeWaard |
Homepage / Blog: | |
Most Recently Album Purchased: | can't remember |
Present Occupantion: | Unemployed |
Dream Frequency: | A couple of times a month |
Time Spent Online: | 2-4 hours |
How to Recover from a bad dream: | 4 ounces of wine |
Found this site: | Google |
About the dreamer: | | | I'm 25, going to be 26. I've had a lot happen to me in a short amount of time, and I'm not so good at living life, I've found out. But as a friend once told me, "sleep is suicide for people without commitment." Lately I have been sleeping a lot, but also really irregularly, which sometimes includes waking up at the same weird times (i.e. 3:33 a.m., 3:30 a.m., etc) in the morning for like 3 or 4 days in a row (on average, though once or twice its lasted for at least 2 weeks). I don't dream too often, but when I do it's usually weird, and fucking vivid as hell. Just wondering if anyone could offer any interpretation at all to some of my more memorable/haunting dreams. |
Dreams Posted:

Total Dreams: 3
Dream #526 (Type: SLEEP PARALYSIS)
About two months ago, I was just moved into a new place with my good friend and was feeling really at home and comfortable. But on my fifth day there ...
 0 Replies (Posted: 3/7/2014) |
Dream #525 (Type: weird repetition in dream...)
This isn't a detailed description of a dream, but more of a thing I wonder about... Throughout my life I have always had dreams where I was being chas...
 1 Replies (Posted: 3/7/2014) |
Dream #524 (Type: Totally Insane)
This dream happened to me almost a year ago, and yet it still stays with me really well... I don't quite remember what was happening before hand, but ...
 0 Replies (Posted: 3/7/2014) |
All dreams by Bridget |
Replies To Other Dreams:
