
Dream #55 (odd.) |
I was a school but everything seems so much darker. And I walk into the school office and I sit down in a chair. There are all these strange gothic people standing around me and they hand me a antique...
Posted: 10/25/2005

Dream #54 (sorta scary) |
This one is from a little while back but I'd still like to know what it means.
I was at school, but it wasn't my school. It was quite different. And I'm walking through these hallways and I walk b...
Posted: 10/25/2005

Dream #53 (Totally Insane) |
Well okay here it goes. I'll give you a little bit of back ground on my ex-boyfriend and I. We dated 6 months, and only broke up four months ago. Before he left to go away for two months he made me pr...
Posted: 10/25/2005

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