Real Name: | |
Homepage / Blog: | |
Most Recently Album Purchased: | Spirit of Eden by Talk Talk |
Present Occupantion: | Retired |
Dream Frequency: | Every night |
Time Spent Online: | 11-20 hours |
How to Recover from a bad dream: | Ham sandwich |
Found this site: | Yahoo! |
About the dreamer: | | | My last two jobs were as a Fabric & Catalog Librarian for an interior design firm in Santa Fe, NM, and an assistant curator at a Native American art museum with an excellent basketry collection. I love music, nature, craft/art and interior and garden design. I almost have an MA in European Cultural History. I played the harp in college. I am a rabid environmentalist and online political and environmental activist. |
Dreams Posted:
Total Dreams: 2
Dream #515 (Type: Answer to Dream of Dying)
I meet a "middle-aged British woman in tweeds" who I know is my spiritual mentor. In a bathroom, I viciously stab her in the heart over and over, and ...
1 Replies (Posted: 3/20/2013) |
Dream #514 (Type: ?)
I'm in a black gospel church where music is the means of being in the spirit. Doc Watson is black and is singing, behind a guitar, in a "dirt band." I...
1 Replies (Posted: 3/20/2013) |
All dreams by Selene |
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