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  QUESTIONS - Answers from others on an array of puzzling dream topics.

Dreamer: suzanne
Location: Middle of the Street

Dreamer: danielle
Location: Church

Dreamer: ab
Location: Middle of the Street
Why there you think? ab

Dreamer: Che
Location: Other...
Why there you think? It is always a public place, but not always the same place.

Dreamer: tom
Location: Subway/Bus

Dreamer: stuck
Location: Other...

Dreamer: sarah
Location: Subway/Bus
Why there you think? i don tknow i just wan tot know what it means and i was actually having sex wiht someone.

Dreamer: karina
Location: Home
Why there you think? in the house i dont konpw

Dreamer: carla
Location: Doobie Brothers Concert
Why there you think? cuase i had the same one

Dreamer: chelsea
Location: Other...
Why there you think? i was at school my mom said the same

Dreamer: aliah
Location: Middle of the Street
Why there you think? does it matter i know it is attributed to the fact that i am insecure.dreams of this nature are telling u that u are insecure about something in your life.

Dreamer: karentha ratzlaff
Location: Church

Dreamer: random wanderer
Location: Other...
Why there you think? yo ho ho and a bottle of rum...

Dreamer: ryan
Location: Other...

Dreamer: Dave
Location: Church

Dreamer: Jarrad van Dort
Location: Other...
Why there you think? I was at my school and i was talkin 2 my girl friend and then she laughed at me and walked off, then evry1 laughed and i realised i was naked and they all called me pinny and tey were chantin it then i raped my hot pe teacher then my dik was like 12 meters and i raped evry1. i think its cause i got a pin.

Dreamer: Shanell
Location: Middle of the Street
Why there you think? To be honest i really dont now why in the street but i think the the reason why i them dreams is becuase im so self-conscience!!!!!

Dreamer: ri
Location: Church
Why there you think? naked and roaming at streetsor trying tohide

Dreamer: pooneh
Location: Home

Dreamer: Lala
Location: Other...
Why there you think? i am at school or at work when i am naked and no one else thinks this is odd or says anything about it. only i realize that i am naked and sometimes i dont even care and i talk to people and sometimes i try and hide.

Dreamer: Erica
Location: Subway/Bus
Why there you think? I was at a train station...maybe I was trying to run away from what I am or becoming in my life now that I feel exposed?

Dreamer: melanie
Location: Other...
Why there you think? sometimes in public, maybe because i'm an exhibitionist

Dreamer: Steff
Location: Home
Why there you think? This man I like who plays the piano and who is old enough to be my Dad but extrememly handsome. He and my Mom do not notice me at all. i can't understand it.

Dreamer: j
Location: Other...
Why there you think? i think that most of the time that you are at prom or something when you have it so like ya other is what i say

Dreamer: jay
Location: Home
Why there you think? because most of the time you are at home when you sleep but you could be anywere when you are having a naked dream.

Dreamer: g
Location: Middle of the Street
Why there you think? i'm embarrassed. it has to be in the middle of a street

Dreamer: barbara
Location: Other...
Why there you think? dunno

Dreamer: Lauren
Location: Other...
Why there you think? school bathroom. i dunno. i guess i've changed in there so many times. and it's where ppl have lost their virginity.

Dreamer: g
Location: Other...
Why there you think? bed, cause it's normal;-)

Dreamer: Sofia
Location: Other...
Why there you think? I think i was at my school because i am popular and i am very afriad of embasesment

Dreamer: msa
Location: Doobie Brothers Concert

Dreamer: Anastasia
Location: Middle of the Street
Why there you think? Because there are more people.

Dreamer: isaiah
Location: Middle of the Street
Why there you think? because im lost

Dreamer: lisa fisher!!!!
Location: Other...
Why there you think? because its with the boy i fancy/love!!!! im only 13!!!!

Dreamer: wei
Location: Middle of the Street

Dreamer: victoria
Location: Other...
Why there you think? I have had a dream that i am naked, but the weard thang is i am in a school. And the stranger thang is I have been out of school for 2 years now.

Dreamer: monique
Location: Other...
Why there you think? yes i think about having sex and a lady appear

Dreamer: Ben J
Location: Other...
Why there you think? I used to have dreams where i had to use a public toilet but it was in the middle of a store, waiting room, etc.

Dreamer: mark
Location: church
Why there you think? not sure!!!

Dreamer: jj
Location: church

Dreamer: Jerzy Kosinski
Location: Church
Why there you think? God misses my body!

Dreamer: Stacey C. Avery
Location: Other
Why there you think? Shower, with lots of guys watching me.

Dreamer: Clunk Chimney
Location: Home
Why there you think? Why? Cos I'm usually banging away when nude in dreams. Thanks.

Dreamer: connie roadkill
Location: Other
Why there you think? naked at an AC/DC concert only it's not Angus or Malcom prancing around on stage but a whole chorus of cats mewling "she's hot to trot hot to trot hot to TROT

Dreamer: scott chimney
Location: Middle of the Street
Why there you think? I was directing traffic.

Dreamer: Lindsay
Location: Other
Why there you think? I'm with other people I want to see naked. There's usually some sex going on in someone else's house. Or car. Or beach etc.....

Dreamer: Chris
Location: Church
Why there you think? Because I am Satan

Dreamer: loveylady
Location: Other
Why there you think? i dunno

Dreamer: Heronymous Chimney
Location: Other
Why there you think? I used to dream of being naked in my second grade music class. all the children would be sitting around in a circle on plastic chairs singing at the command of that horrible wench Mrs Renson (RIP) while i was all fetal under my chair. no one seemed to notice.

Dreamer: jaywar
Location: Other
Why there you think? Never have had a dream where I was naked...darn...there's always tomorrow night, or the next, or the next...thanks.

Dreamer: Marty Sumarno
Location: Middle of the Street
Why there you think? sometimes i dream that i am biking and i have to get somewhere really quickly so i dont have time to stop and pick up my clothes that are falling off. . . eventually leaving me naked...i think i like the feeling of biking in the nude. actually i know i do.

Dreamer: Keifer Sutherland
Location: Other
Why there you think? im in the whitehouse running from hilary and chelsea

Dreamer: Vince
Location: Doobie Brothers Concert
Why there you think? I used to scalp tickets at their shows in the 80's.

Dreamer: wintermute
Location: Church
Why there you think? it's the only place i haven't been naked.

Dreamer: Frank Chimney
Location: Other...
Why there you think? Like Heronymous, I too used to dream of being naked in my second grade music class. All the children would be sitting around in a circle on plastic chairs singing at the command of that horrible wench Mrs Renson (RIP) while i was all fetal under my chair. No one seemed to notice. I wonder how many other students of Mrs. Renson have dreamt of being bare in her class?

Dreamer: Aariq
Location: Other...
Why there you think? the mall once. school sometimes. i usually rip other peoples clothes off. they dont seem to mind

Dreamer: todd chimney
Location: Other...
Why there you think? yeah.. school was a common theme for my naked dreams. also, its always by accident, ie: i just "forgot" to get dressed and didnt notice my error. once i had a dream where i was skiing naked... that was pretty hilarious.

Dreamer: Je*nn
Location: Other...
Why there you think? mostly at school.. but its usually that i end up taking my clothes off for no reason but nobody notices or minds..

Dreamer: Ali
Location: Other...
Why there you think? School usually. I think it's because the fear of embarassment at school is higher than anywhere else.

Dreamer: Bobby
Location: Other...
Why there you think? okay in my town theres this huge intersection and right off to the side theres this bank with like a balcony and i am standing on the balcony naked and dancing and i love it

Dreamer: *Becca*
Location: Home
Why there you think? If I am naked in a dream...it always relates to ughh, being with guys. It usually occurs at my house, or someone else's house...I guess I am not very creative. I think I might have had dreams where I was someone where else..but it was still a very secure location, and I never see myself naked..but I just know I am.

Dreamer: Arianne
Location: Other...
Why there you think? I was in a movie studio. The night before I was researching an actress...

Dreamer: Aananth
Location: Home
Why there you think? don't know for sure, but always at my room

Dreamer: Aananth
Location: Home
Why there you think? don't know for sure, but always at my room

Dreamer: y2gordo
Location: Other...
Why there you think? Because it was something I liked

Dreamer: limeygrl
Location: Subway/Bus
Why there you think? At the bus stop in my hometown in England. Probably still sorting thru childhood feelings of insecurity.

Dreamer: ace
Location: Other...
Why there you think? because i am there most of my day

Dreamer: Moera
Location: Middle of the Street
Why there you think? feeling of freedom and exposure?

Dreamer: betty
Location: Other...
Why there you think? usually in front of auduence. Afraid of crowds.

Dreamer: Jennifer
Location: Other...
Why there you think? At school... i don't know why?

Dreamer: Gabby
Location: Other...
Why there you think? In bed or on a stage...

Dreamer: seimone
Location: Other...
Why there you think? back at primary school its been 17 years since i left primary school why I dream that no idea but I feel very insecure & vunrable in those dreams.

Dreamer: s.schmidt
Location: Other...
Why there you think? i'm in a departmentstore. i think im probably there because im always afaird someone can see in the dressing rooms!

Dreamer: Phyllis
Location: Other...
Why there you think? When I drem of being nude I Could and have been many places, you can prety much say anyw=here

Dreamer: geek
Location: Other...
Why there you think? when i was in high school, I used to dream that i was at school naked

Dreamer: Bustah G
Location: Other...
Why there you think? Until I was 14 i had me being nude in school. It was very frequent until i was 7. I used to be very timid about nudity

Dreamer: Girlie
Location: Other...
Why there you think? I'm in high school, and when I have naked dreams they're always at school, particularly nights after I had something embarrassing happen to me during the day or I felt ridiculed by my friends or the guy I liked, etc.

Dreamer: wen
Location: Other...
Why there you think? I am usually in a in a public bathroom...but there are never any stalls. In addition, there is always a crowd of people waiting to see me use the bathroom. Then I cannot find a toilet . One time I urinated on myself in the dream ad when I awoke I really urinated on my bed....ooops did I just say that :o

Dreamer: Lawrence
Location: Other...
Why there you think? Just all public places. To put it simply I think I just feel vulnerable in large public places.

Dreamer: alphabitten
Location: Other...
Why there you think? always in a public place or, for some strange reason in a body of water (i.e. lake, swimming pool...) Why? I dunno...

Dreamer: Cricket
Location: Other...
Why there you think? I am usually in an Inn. I think I am not feeling seetled in my life.

Dreamer: Kate_Dreamer
Location: Other...
Why there you think? I'm at work, i don't know why

Dreamer: karentha ratzlaff
Location: Middle of the Street
Why there you think? i'm not sure, i always have that kind of dream where there is lots of people.

Dreamer: becky whitehouse
Location: Home
Why there you think? its my house

Dreamer: ali g
Location: Church
Why there you think? in bed

Dreamer: Pranali
Location: Other...
Why there you think? one in the shower then one in a shower type garage

Dreamer: moody
Location: Other...
Why there you think? school, shopping malls, but i always somehow end up in the bathroom with someone else with me.

Dreamer: banacop@yahoo.com
Location: Other...
Why there you think? 01/19/2002 Just about every naked, dream am with, boyfriend, at his house myself.

Dreamer: Monica
Location: Other...
Why there you think? I had a dream once when I was younger. I was in graded school, maybe 3rd grade, and I was waiting in line for four square when I suddenly realized that eveeryone else had clothes on and I didn't. I was so embarrased.

Dreamer: Sharon
Location: Home
Why there you think? ?? not the slightiest clue.

Dreamer: Lore
Location: Other...
Why there you think? I'm usually in a public place, like my old high school, restrooms with no doors or stalls, crowds in the street, and more I can't remember

Dreamer: Alex
Location: Other...
Why there you think? As the others have answered too when i was younger i would see my self almost naked in my school but the weird thing is that I would always wear my slippers!!!

Dreamer: bbygurl
Location: Other...
Why there you think? im usually at school and i dont know why.

Dreamer: gussa
Location: Other...
Why there you think? I think If I'm naked in my dreams I am just not aware of it. Nudity doesn't embarrass me

Dreamer: adriana
Location: Other...
Why there you think? i don't know

Dreamer: vik
Location: Other...
Why there you think? beach, with keifer sutherland probably because its the most free place to be

Dreamer: vik
Location: Other...
Why there you think? ok, probably the beach because I lved by the sea when I was growing up & it can be the most erotic place when you're with someone!

Dreamer: LizK
Location: Home
Why there you think? In the bed getting busy. LOL!

Dreamer: N/A
Location: Other...
Why there you think? you name it. . . i been there. . .

Dreamer: Kemosabe
Location: Subway/Bus

Dreamer: whoohoo
Location: Home
Why there you think? coz it's in our bedroom! :P

Dreamer: Simone
Location: Other...
Why there you think? In naked dreams I'm often at school. (I left school 14 years ago) I feel great depression, fear and very insecure in these dream's. I gather it's due to insecurities I feel now that I felt also in my childhood.

Dreamer: tom
Location: Other...

Dreamer: tom
Location: Church
Why there you think? lots of people there

Dreamer: Tara
Location: Home
Why there you think? on top....it's the best place to be.... :-)

Dreamer: Smokey
Location: Other...
Why there you think? Because i forgot to put on swim wear like everyone else(in my dream), when i was small, and i didn't know what to do. I was alone in the situation, without help from my parents or anything

Dreamer: Travis
Location: Home
Why there you think? in bed with a girl

Dreamer: james
Location: Home
Why there you think? iwas fucking my own sister

Dreamer: Gary
Location: Middle of the Street
Why there you think? I have no idea...I am naked standing on the street in front of my house and helpless...:(

Dreamer: candie
Location: Other...
Why there you think? i remember when i was about 18, i drempt that i was in a black pot naked with a man rapped around me. What this ment i have no idea., that is all i remember. still curious till this day what that ment.

Dreamer: Kathy
Location: Other...
Why there you think? The school

Dreamer: M Campbell
Location: Subway/Bus
Why there you think? I was on the bus on the way to school w/out a stitch of clothes to wear!

Dreamer: Denim Smith
Location: Other...
Why there you think? Im alwyas at school and the day is going fine except i have no clothes on!

Dreamer: shena
Location: Other...
Why there you think? im sometimes at the beach,kissing another girl

Dreamer: Jim
Location: Church
Why there you think? church rox

Dreamer: kathy
Location: Home

Dreamer: ken
Location: Other...
Why there you think? i dont know

Dreamer: selena
Location: Other...
Why there you think? reputation, embarresment, or insecurity about what people think about me

Dreamer: selena
Location: Other...
Why there you think? reputation, embarresment, or insecurity about what people think about me sumtimes school, home and a bus

Dreamer: KatsuHotokeMusume
Location: Other...
Why there you think? my house, or my boyfriends. sometimes in the shower. . with my boyfriend. guess you get the idea.. .

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