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  QUESTIONS - Answers from others on an array of puzzling dream topics.

Dreamer: cece
Death: Other...
Details: a red brick wall fell on me, my husband and a girl friend, no one died but it seemed I was injured the most

Dreamer: lynnisa
Death: Other...
Details: there is a dream where me and my friend ange are in this airport and theses two guys comeup to us as cops and we are giving a report and this one kiss me and theother one kiss my firend. it goe son towerei get rescued and iam helping the copsandpple track themand theniamin the car with angeland thoehter one trying toget them tot ellme were theonei feel for and endup prgant buy is at and i tellthemi wont tellthem and were vampires

Dreamer: OUNI
Death: Other...

Dreamer: jordan
Death: Stabbing
Details: me and my best friend got stabbed 7 times but we didnt die they turned out to be scars!

Death: Other...

Dreamer: C C
Death: Stabbing

Dreamer: keane
Death: Other...
Details: explosion. a massive death blast that moved at high speeds across everything. i was supposed to be immune, but i ended up being tossed. every bone in my body was broken and i faded in and out of consciousness, experiencing intense pain. eventually i faded into nothing and begain to exist with everything.

Dreamer: test
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: lola
Death: Other...
Details: bleeding to death

Dreamer: donta
Death: Gun shot
Details: i dreamed about getting shot three times and i rarely have dreams i mostly daydream

Dreamer: helen
Death: Car crash
Details: i keep having the same dream that my feet cant reach the peddles and i crash the car

Dreamer: someone
Death: Other...
Details: This isn't really about dying, and I'm not even sure at which point the dream actually begins, but anyway... It's a hot summer night and I'm sweating and rolling over trying to get to sleep, but I just can't get comfortable. Finally I decide I've had enough of this, and decide to give up on sleeping. So I get out of bed, but when I turn around, I see myself still lying there on the bed! I consider that maybe I'm dreaming, but nothing looks wrong, and I couldn't remember any break in awareness where I could have fallen asleep. I find that I can pass through walls, and I wander outside. I try flagging down a car, but they don't see me or try to stop. I jump out of the way, but not fast enough, but the part of me that should have been hit passes through the car. I wander around, and after a short while I wake up where I saw myself.

Dreamer: someone
Death: Car crash
Details: It's summer, and I am a passanger in the back right seat of a car. We're waiting at a red light. The light turns green and we start to move forward, and almost instantly a car slams into my side of the car. I die instantly. I find myself with my whole family, including my dead father, in some house. He shows me pictures of me growing up, but they include him, and he shows how he influenced things to help me and how he loved me, even though he couldn't be there. It's strange however, because I don't recognize this man as being my father, and I don't recognize the event he's showing me as being from my childhood.

Dreamer: someone
Death: Other...
Details: I'm in a dream that keeps repeating with the same basic scenario, but I have a different role and locale each time. They all end in the location being destroyed. For the last iteration, I'm in the elevator of an office building, and someone (he wasn't there, he was trying to find me) is trying to take something away from me (I don't remember what). After moving between floors, trying to evade the person, I find a girl and we escape to the roof together. The building is exploding, and we jump from it. We know there's nothing we can do and that nothing else matters, so we embrace each other and focus only on the moment we have together. In our minds, we're the only things that exist, and before we hit the ground, the world reflects this and disolves away, leaving us alone, safe, floating in a void together.

Dreamer: someone
Death: Car crash
Details: I'm in a passanger in a car in winter. The driver runs one tire up the edge of a ramp, flipping the car over. It skids along the road into a snowbank. The windows break and the car fills with snow as it skids along. I'm unharmed, but the snow is so tightly packed around me I can't breath or move. I surrender to my fate, relax, and wonder how long it will take me to die, how painful it will be, and what, if anything, awaits me afterwords.

Dreamer: cassie
Death: Car crash

Dreamer: lynn
Death: Stabbing

Dreamer: Nilda Rivera
Death: Falling off cliff

Dreamer: david
Death: Other...
Details: got struck by lightining

Dreamer: beaker
Death: Other...
Details: i was in this dream and i had a heart attack then the dream went dark for a a few seconds like i had actually died then i woke and i was in the middle of open heart surgery and for some reason i didnt feel a thing but when they put the first bandage on i didnt like it so i ripped it off and i could feel the whole thing like i had just been stabbed in the heart then the dream went back to being dark like i had just died again then i woke from the dream and i was home in bed and i got up had breakfast, mowed the lawn, and went back to bed had a heart attack and died then i woke from the dream and was in a cold sweat and my heart hurt like a SOB

Dreamer: Reyes Palomarez
Death: Other...
Details: Horse Dieying

Dreamer: michelle
Death: Other...
Details: i was at my school with friends and these wird creatures, like aliens were chasing us with these weird guns. they caught me and my friends and my mom and then took us to this spirit.this spirit was huge, he was dressed all in black.and he was trying to shoot my mom and i got in the way and i got shot. with this like burning laser.

Dreamer: michelle
Death: Other...
Details: that i was smoking

Dreamer: Jane Doe
Death: Other...
Details: I keep having dreams of a plane crash with other people that I don't even know or met but I have faces and names in the dream

Dreamer: jane doe
Death: Other...
Details: Boyfrind in bed bleeding to death pool of blood

Dreamer: Connie
Death: Other...
Details: walking down rode with a friend and a tour bus hit me. I told my friend to call 911 that my hand was hurt. just keep walking down rode until we got to her place then she turn around and see's me dead in the rode and i turn and see myself dead in the rode and hear her talking on the phone to 911.

Dreamer: Stacy
Death: Other...

Dreamer: angelica
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: Joanne
Death: Stabbing
Details: Had a dream about a good friend (male, but not interested in any other way). I stabbed him in the stomach while sleep walking (in the dream) and woke up as soon as doing it (from the sleep walk but not in reality) and apologised to him profusely, and he kept telling me it's ok and not to call anyone so i don't get into trouble. Woke up the next day (our friend regularly stays over) and he was cold (from blood loss) but he still would not let me call anyone. We sat and watched television while blood was running out te bottom of his pants onto his ankles. What the devil does this mean?

Dreamer: Joanne
Death: Stabbing
Details: Had a dream about a good friend (male, but not interested in any other way). I stabbed him in the stomach while sleep walking (in the dream) and woke up as soon as doing it (from the sleep walk but not in reality) and apologised to him profusely, and he kept telling me it's ok and not to call anyone so i don't get into trouble. Woke up the next day (our friend regularly stays over) and he was cold (from blood loss) but he still would not let me call anyone. He loved, we sat and watched television while blood was running out te bottom of his pants onto his ankles. What the devil does this mean?

Dreamer: Joe Mama
Death: Car crash

Dreamer: Maggie
Death: Stabbing
Details: my ex stabbed me 17 times

Dreamer: chris
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: amy
Death: Falling off cliff

Dreamer: ceasar
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: ron
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: Carl
Death: Stabbing
Details: stabbed by a black man at the airport in a frenzied attack.

Dreamer: Asuka
Death: Gun shot
Details: Got shot in the throat while defending my family from the gun wielder.

Dreamer: Kyle
Death: Stabbing
Details: stabbed myslef in the heart

Dreamer: Christine
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: shally
Death: Stabbing
Details: best friend and i walked into a room. i see him pull out a knife from the corner of my eye and then he stabs me in the back 5+ times, until i know longer can say why and i love you

Dreamer: ANDREA
Death: Falling off cliff

Dreamer: Phil
Death: Gun shot
Details: Indonesia army shot in stomach

Dreamer: raman
Death: Other...
Details: Plane crash: Flight begins, ascends normally, later flies low over beautiful gardens in Canada in order to entertain passengers, then realisation that plane will crash into wall. My family is on the plane, I happen to sit next to my father, give him one last look of surprise, grab hold of his hand, and accept this is the end and a new beginning will come. Then suddenly feel hot and that my body is melting yet painless and then my eyes open suddenly and I look at my bedroom ceiling in confusion for a moment.

Dreamer: ryan
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: Sharon M Cooke
Death: Stabbing
Details: i was protecting my home from a stranger, this stanger was a boyfriend of a friend of mine for which whom he was trying to get. but my friend was hiding at my home from him. he knew where we were.. he was smashing the glass ceiling. i tried to stop him but he got into the kitchen, emerged with a big knife and before i knew it. he'd stabbed me in the bottom of my spine. i felt my body fall apart, i think i died as i woke up terrified. i really did feel the pain.

Dreamer: Grace
Death: Stabbing

Dreamer: Al
Death: Other...
Details: Airplane crash: I was sitting next to the pilot and we had a bad landing and then we hit a wall. I thought in my dream "im going to die now" and then BOOM! After i died i was flowing in an empty space. Nothing there, just black. I woke up and i thought that was so real!

Dreamer: Jonathan
Death: Gun shot
Details: i was shot by a man in a black sentra (the car i want to own)and he drove by two times one time shot me with a hand gun in my legs than came back with an uzi and hsot me in my chest and forehead in a parking lot.

Dreamer: J
Death: Gun shot
Details: i was shot by a man in a black sentra (the car i want to own)and he drove by two times one time shot me with a hand gun in my legs than came back with an uzi and hsot me in my chest and forehead in a parking lot.

Dreamer: Ferdy
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: cp287979@yahoo.com
Death: Gun shot
Details: i was a russian soldier with tow others in a jeep being chased by another jeep. it was cold snowing. there was a big explosion the jeep turned over and we fell into water. the other jeep pulled up and a guy got out and shot us all in the head. i remember drifting down into the water because of all weight of my coat and gear.

Dreamer: Stephanie Maxwell
Death: Other...
Details: raped, bashed, throat cut by 3 men in ski masks

Dreamer: Cheyenne
Death: Falling off cliff
Details: I had a dream I was falling

Dreamer: d
Death: Car crash

Dreamer: almost dead
Death: Gun shot
Details: 2 guys fighting, i walk in between fight, guy shoots me twice in stomach, and i fall onto ground coughing and spitting up blood holding my stomach, and try and walk off with help of my parents but i keep falling an trying to crawl. ex g.f's friends see me on the ground and laugh cuzz then think im sad and they dont realize the wounds, then there sympathetic

Dreamer: marlana
Death: Stabbing

Dreamer: amanda
Death: Gun shot
Details: I was shot in the stomach and I thought "No" I'm in a dream, and woke up

Dreamer: Andrea
Death: Gun shot
Details: I had a dream that I got shot in the head walking to class.

Dreamer: a
Death: Gun shot
Details: i was shot by a Grim Reaper look alike.

Dreamer: FUCK U
Death: Other...

Dreamer: i fell
Death: Other...
Details: in my dream i just fell and then i woke up

Dreamer: i fell
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: diana
Death: Other...
Details: Jeppers Creppers was trying to kill me and my friends!!

Dreamer: chelsea
Death: Other...
Details: i drowned and i wasnt struggling or anything but it was like i was invisible 2 evry one and i got 2 see wat evry one was thinkin

Dreamer: Julia
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: The_Hairy_Lemon
Death: Gun shot
Details: I was shot in the head once and I remember feeling a tingling in my forehead but I thought to myself it was taking a long time for my spirit to leave me body.

Dreamer: Raelene Evonne Hopkins
Death: Car crash
Details: I see a blue car and it crashes, a lot of blood but can only make out the two people in the front seat. I am not in the car but i am standing on the road watching everytime and there is nothing i can do.

Dreamer: nancyflores
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: La Cassie
Death: Falling off cliff
Details: I actually kind of rolled off a hill, then the world jolted in one direction. It was one of the most satisfying dreams I've had. Due to previous things that happened in the dream, I was content with dying.

Dreamer: Dan
Death: Other...

Dreamer: ann
Death: Other...
Details: i dream that i was drowning to death and then i survive.. theres a ocean, waves and corals.

Dreamer: Julie
Death: Car crash
Details: I was spinning on a thing of tar (not sure how you spin on tar...) and i ended up spinning off a cliff.. and i woke up.. and then i tried to go back to sleep and saw flashes... like they were taking pictures of the acccident

Dreamer: Mike
Death: Gun shot
Details: a police officer shot me in the head after i saw him shoot someone

Dreamer: massacre
Death: Gun shot
Details: This really strange dream was about a gang who massacred people by crowding them into a room and shooting them until all the walls were red. I dreamed they shot me in my neck; I felt the holes in my neck and then I woke up.

Dreamer: stabbed
Death: Stabbing
Details: I was stabbed in the back just before I entered into a room. I slipped in a pool of blood

Dreamer: scared 4mylife
Death: Falling off cliff
Details: i had a dream that i was running from something i didnt know what but whatever it was i was terrified of it. i could hear whatever it was breathing on my neck every time i turned around, it was always calling my name. then it started to rain really hard, and i slipped and i couldnt stop slidding so i screamed and no one could hear me, then i fell off the cliff......... and died

Dreamer: Mad reamer
Death: Other...
Details: I was falling from a high buidling or from the 300th floor in an escalator! The esclator was not something I wanted to get into but I had to! As the stairs were blocked... obviously the escalator had problems when I went into it! Also died from being sucked into the ground! Just got sucked through the earth... it was all dark!

Dreamer: byekitty
Death: Other...
Details: I was buryed alive.

Dreamer: scarlett
Death: Gun shot
Details: I always dream the same thing. It seems like I'm asleep for weeks. I am an activist for women's rights in the bad part of town. The gangsters are sick of me drawing attention and cops to the area and invite me over to chat and work things out. Instead they set me up to kill me. I ask for mercy they laugh and shoot me once in the stomach.it's really hot feeling and makes me want to vomit. then they say some things to me and i'm begging and i feel the pistol to my head. I just feel the cold metal and scream and then everything goes really dark. at first i can hear but then i get cold and I cannot hear anything and so i then think well I must be dead. then i wake up.

Dreamer: KatieB
Death: Gun shot
Details: Gun shot straight to my head twice, and I felt it as well, it wasnt all that bad, but you could feel the pressure. Then I layed there for a couple of minutes, and rose, as though I was a spirit. And followed my murderer around.

Dreamer: Krystal
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: kelly poole
Death: Other...
Details: plane crash

Dreamer: antwon
Death: Other...
Details: a huge bamboo tower crashed and killed my family, i was impaled, everything was red

Dreamer: Mo
Death: Other...
Details: The sun slowly come down and touched the earth.

Dreamer: Shelly
Death: Other...
Details: I drowned once. I don't remember the act of drowning. It was third-person, and I just saw myself dead under a bridge.

Dreamer: eric
Death: Gun shot
Details: i was in the back of a car and i was crouched down behind the seat and was shot in the head by somebody

Dreamer: eric
Death: Gun shot
Details: i was in the back of a car and i was crouched down behind the seat and was shot in the head by somebody

Dreamer: makeisha
Death: Other...
Details: Fall of a roller coaster

Dreamer: makeisha
Death: Other...
Details: Fall of a roller coaster

Dreamer: John Ketchum
Death: Falling off cliff

Dreamer: Sunsets
Death: Gun shot
Details: Yes, I was shot through the windshield of a car I was a passenger in. The person looked right in my eyes and shot me. I "died" and fell into the floorboard and in reality I went deeper into sleep like I really did die and slide down into darkness. It was very wierd and it stayed with me for at least a year. I still remember it well but I don't freak out about it anymore. I think it meant a spiritual death - a big change I was making.

Dreamer: sasha
Death: Other...

Dreamer: sheerflawless
Death: Other...
Details: My dream is sorta kinda trippy...a little scary, I saw my soul fly out of my body into someone els 's body, as I try to get away from somone who was trying to kill me, after he had rape the girl's body I was in, in this dream, it was so real, I didn't realize that it was just a dream, It just happen to be I had woken up in the same place he left her dead,(again, this was a just a dream) which was the couch I happen to fall asleep on that day, but had not realize it was just a dream, untill I woke up.if that make sense.

Dreamer: Tim
Death: Gun shot
Details: shot in head by a pedestrian, in plaid, walking toward the car, while driving around a slow left-hand curve with a convenience store on the corner in a brown car, the shooter was motioning for me to roll down the window, as soon as I started - BANG! (very graphic, awoke with sound shot still ringing in left ear on pillow, had it years ago)

Dreamer: Cheryl
Death: Stabbing
Details: stabbed in the heart

Dreamer: claudia
Death: Stabbing
Details: killed by ex-boyfriend

Dreamer: Shanell
Death: Gun shot
Details: About two years ago i dream that my family got robed and at the end of my dream we all got shot!!!!!!!!

Dreamer: adan
Death: Other...
Details: gun shot, explosion, aeroplane crash, ghost. alien

Dreamer: Gary
Death: Gun shot
Details: i got shot n the ribs

Dreamer: DFDFDFD
Death: Falling off cliff

Dreamer: MikeVan
Death: Other...
Details: In another dream I was killed by an intentional poisonous snake bite, as in it was a form of capital punishment for something I had done. It was slow-acting so I was given a number of days (how many was random apparently) to tie up loose ends with friends and family. After that I was born into a new life, and the dream skipped forward until I was 3 or 4 years old in my new life, with full memory retention, trying to find out if I could go to visit my old family and friends again with his man who was identified as a doctor to me by my new parents.

Dreamer: MikeVan
Death: Other...
Details: I once dreamed that I was killed in an asteroid impact. I was in a desert somewhere, I watched these giant rocks crashing into the Earth and watched as the shockwave raced toward me. I crouched and waited, and just hoped it would be quick. I didn't wake up immediately, but I don't recall now what happend afterward.

Dreamer: leala
Death: Other...
Details: I used to have a reoccuring dream where I was riding through the dark woods on a carriage. I look back to see all these ghouls chasing me . When I look forward I see a tree branch and then watch myself get my head knocked off and I wake with a start.

Dreamer: louise
Death: Falling off cliff
Details: I fell off a cliff and died and seen myself rose above

Dreamer: Katherine
Death: Gun shot
Details: I've died by gun shot & by fire (fire is a reoccuring theme). I had a reoccuring nightmare about dying by fire when I was a teenager. A man came in my window. I couldn't get out of my room. I yelled for my family to leave the house. The man poured gasoline all over my room and then lite a blow-torch and set my room on fire... Now that I'm older I know that blow-torches just don't light themselves (at least the one that I have doesn't) - I never thought of that until now.

Dreamer: fran
Death: Gun shot
Details: shot by someone i didn't know

Dreamer: Michael
Death: Other...
Details: Plane crash: So I was in an airplane anyways. Taking off from this really strangely designed airport. The airport was made in a defensive position, surrounded by far off mountains and two sides, and a two nearby cliffs on the other. Well bad things happened, and I saw us dodging one cliff and obviously doomed to hit the other. There was that moment before imminent death. I approached it with curiosity. Wondering what is being obliterated going to feel like...An explosion...a radiating sensation. Then nothing. I think to myself, well that wasn't as bad as my dream in which I was shot to death. And I realize, I am still conscience. But then all is black, and I can feel nothing. Sense deprived, I wander. A strange existence.

Dreamer: Michael
Death: Gun shot
Details: I was with a group of people, and we were surrounded and I was being riddled with bullets. Me, being somehow still alive, pushed for them to finish me...I felt my feeling go as my neck was severed with one final shot...the overall sensation was quite extreme... Well, so I was killed in my dream but I didn't wake up just yet...somehow I was pondering a next form I would take, with someone next to me looking at choices. Perhaps too many video games.

Dreamer: Mike
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: gigi
Death: Other...

Dreamer: Li
Death: Gun shot
Details: i dreampt that i was with my friend with the car we crashed and some guy in a red inpala pulled up and i looked inside the window but it wasint my friends and i went back to my friend and then he followed me with a chrom gun and pointed at me then my friend then i went to protect him and he pointed at me then told me to get on the ground and he pointed a little away from me and i closed my eyes and i knew he was not pointing at me directly and then he took some shots and they never hit me but then the last shot went right into my abdominal and i woke up with the sensation of getting shot

Dreamer: Yes
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: chelsea
Death: Falling off cliff
Details: i was driving my dads car

Dreamer: Brit
Death: Gun shot
Details: I was in the role of a costume hero (Nightwing to be speific), and remembered someone putting a gun to my temple, and a horridly dark, gravelly voice whispered "Well done, my apprentice... too bad I have to kill you." I woke up the instant I heard the gunshot

Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: Schumacher
Death: Gun shot
Details: After a long chase scene through a desert I finally get shot. I don't wake up though, as soon as I die I switch into the killers body and continue to dig a grave and bury my old body.

Dreamer: m
Death: Stabbing
Details: I was stabbed in my knee and I woke up pertrified and could feel myself being pushed around and in pain

Dreamer: Terra
Death: Gun shot
Details: Absolutly the most disturbing dream I have had in a long time. I was shot point blank through a windshield and died. This was my first encounter with dream chimney. I searched the internet found D.C. posted it and actually got a reply. I agreed with them as I had been reading a couple of books that opened my eyes to living a concious life. Great experience - although wierd. Still waiting for the response to my recent tornado disaster dream....still waiting.

Dreamer: anna
Death: Car crash
Details: i died in a car crash i dreamed the same dream four a month every night

Dreamer: julia
Death: Gun shot
Details: I was rning ran in aroom saw my failly an riends turned and saw agun in my face it fired i fell over and woke up

Dreamer: brittany
Death: Other...
Details: There was a ingound pool and there was a lot of sharks in it i jumped in and a shark grabed my leg so i sunk to the bottem.

Dreamer: heatherwilson
Death: Other...

Dreamer: moon
Death: Gun shot
Details: point blank, shot in the forehead -- this was after a long foot chase that led me to a roof top of a high-rise apartment building where there was no where else for me to run. this was the ending to a recurring dream i'd had that began grade school and ended my junior year in college.

Dreamer: Valerie
Death: Gun shot
Details: My uncle shot me in the head when we were at my grandpa's. It took me a while to die though- he shot me like three times.

Dreamer: rachel
Death: Other...
Details: sorry i got a few words wrong on the other dream i sent. i was on a slide and when i went round a bend i came off landind with a soft thud

Dreamer: rachel
Death: Other...
Details: i havnt ever died in this dream but i should have done. i was on a rollercoaster and just as i went round a bent i came off the slide and went crashing towards the ground, just before i land i start to slow down then i hit the ground with a soft thud.

Dreamer: nichole
Death: Other...
Details: i didnt die but my little brother(age 4) did.and in the dream i just kept crying and crying so badly that my stomach hurt(in the dream).my mom just kept yelling at me to shut up.i cryed throw out the hole dream.i was the only one who cared no one eles did.and at the end of my dream i was still crying and my mom told me to stop crying that hes not dead hes alive.i was confused(in the dream).then when i woke up my stomach was hurting just like in the dream. why?

Dreamer: devyn shannon
Death: Falling off cliff
Details: i was on a swing ( like george of the jungle) and i fell off a cliff, and i could feel myself ( in my sleep) looking toward the ocean and i fell in. and i woke up.

Dreamer: mike
Death: Gun shot
Details: i have had 4 dreams of being killed every time its a gun shot to the head it feels like having my face smashed in 3 times i woke up after being killed in the dream but once i came back to life i dont know what this is supposed to mean

Dreamer: Ryan
Death: Stabbing
Details: I was at work, and someone walked in and stabbed me, i went all dizzy and fell to the floor, my vision went blurred and i woke up with a jump

Dreamer: Attiude
Death: Other...
Details: I froze to death from a nuclear holocaust and when I woke my body was completely numb and I hurt really bad...

Dreamer: babygurl
Death: Car crash
Details: it wasnt really a dream about me in a car crash but it was about my ex boyfriend Mark. I saw him in a car with his dad and the car slamed into something and he died. Then i saw in my dream the funeral and then i saw myself after the funeral overdosing on pills.Scariest part is his phone is dissconected and in my dream i was wearing the clothes on that i have on now....

Dreamer: Angel
Death: Gun shot
Details: I have had two dreams about being shot in the head. I can feel the pain. What does this mean?

Dreamer: Robin
Death: Other...
Details: I am starting to get scared because everynight I dream I die. Actually, I never die, but get close to. I have dreamed I went to camp and saw all my friends and was so happy. Then one of them shot me in the head, even though I saw blood on the counter, I didn't feel it, and felt like I was going to live. I have had a dream that I was being taken away to be killed when i make a break for it in a carrige through a think forest and am killed, ut before I go I am comferted by Orlando Bloom ( who I have a huge crush on) so I was happy. And last night I dreamed I was showing where corpses go by getting in a grave. and I was hoping my friends would burry me because it would be funny. When they started to, I laughed. I also saw ppl in a room all dressed in black and I am sure they are dead. Help me please. I am really scared, email me at QueenOfSpades87@hotmail.com or if you have AOL instant messanger, IM me at I Hrt Pirates. Thankyou.

Dreamer: Brittany
Death: Other...
Details: i was attacked by a vampire and he sucked my blood i know it sounds weird bu tevery nightmare i had it has been about vampires

Dreamer: 456
Death: Other...

Dreamer: Penny
Death: Stabbing
Details: Me and best friend were at a disco she stabbed me

Dreamer: Ben J
Death: Falling off cliff
Details: Falling is most common, im always having dreams where im on a high staircase and im afraid of the height in my dream even though im not particularly afraid of heights in real life. I cant remember too many instances of actually dying but actuaully to come to think of it about a month ago i remember dying in a car crash.

Dreamer: Liliya
Death: Falling off cliff
Details: My friend pushed me off the balcony

Dreamer: linda
Death: Other...
Details: dying and buried alive by boy friend

Dreamer: Sam
Death: Massive head injury
Details: I was at the swimming pool and had to jump of the diving board, I was too scared then someone pushed from the back of the line and I fell, but the pool had been drained.

Dreamer: rapunzel
Death: Other...
Details: I am in my home and a tornado rips through my house. I die and fall to the ground miles from my home. I then see the rest of my family looking for me.

Dreamer: s.schmidt
Death: Other...
Details: i *died* of two of them but not in the same dream. One i was stabbed with a sword(not a knife a 2.5 foot sword) And the other was falling off a cliff because a huge gust of wind blow me off.

Dreamer: Lawrence
Death: Other...
Details: Decapitation by a black knight, who lived a across the alley way from me. Every single time I came out into his yard he would jump me and we would fight to the death then I would be in my own yard again and I would see him across from me waiting. So I would go to fight him again and get decapitated. THis happened three times at least.

Dreamer: Cheryl C. Krueger
Death: Other...
Details: i saw black and grey clouds swirling... then a black jeep came throught the window directing itself to me . i was ran over, i saw one of my friends and he seemed to hold me down to die. then a voice said " our bodies are only vessles",... i woke to a storm outside

Dreamer: Jenn H.
Death: Other...
Details: I was walking along a fallen log and fell. When I fell I landed on something cold and hard. It, whatecer it was, lifted me up and then crushed me. I woke up with sweat all over my face and I was on the floor without any blankets.

Dreamer: Isabella
Death: Stabbing
Details: i dreamed dead friends of mine came to me said i was going to die and then an attacker cut my throat and i dies. mine even went till my funeral which was really scary

Dreamer: Nicole
Death: Car crash
Details: I was in a crash which caused me alot of injuries. I stayed in the hospital unconscious for a while but then I was unplugged.

Dreamer: Alisha
Death: Falling off cliff
Details: i was having a dream about falling off a cliff, i was screaming all the way down but i never hit the bottom... i heard that if you actually hit the bottom after falling in a dream that means that you wont wake up!

Dreamer: kylie
Death: Stabbing
Details: It was my ball nite i was so excited i wore a beatiful black sparckling dress< and it was all goin great until i went outside to go for a walk<, i dont recall the exact reason y i left the ball coz i was having so much fun but i was walkin and it sort of jumped to later on and i was running now and i kept lookin back but i could only see me running but i was scared. I remeber a hand trying to grab me and finally the man caught me i tryed to get away but he started to hit me and i fell to the ground, while on the ground i knew i was going to die he pulled a gun out of his jacket as he hovered over me, i couldnt see his face but he was in black and he shot me 3 times and walked away, i ended up bleeding to death, then i woke up feeling scared.

Dreamer: Bambi
Death: Falling off cliff
Details: My family jumped across, I mean it was only a foot. But when I jumped, the cliff moved away! I jumped and fell. falling for about an hour... then, THE BOTTOM came. I've hit the point where ya wake-up before hitting but I wanted to see what would happened. I slammed the floor and splattered everywhere!!! THEN i woke-up.

Dreamer: Bambi
Death: Gun shot
Details: I was walkin' around and some migjet in black shot me in the head. I died like in a James Bond game and then came back to life. The nightmare repeated and i woke-up after the 7th time.

Dreamer: lauren
Death: Falling off cliff
Details: i fell off an ellevator and then i woke up

Dreamer: Jo Anne
Death: Other...
Details: In my reocurring dream I get killed by a headless horseman in all red, even the horse is faceless and red, glowing.

Dreamer: Lisa
Death: Stabbing
Details: I was stabbed in my home by a former lover.

Dreamer: Jay
Death: Stabbing
Details: Funny as it may appear to us all at times, in my dream i'm always with my best friend in my dreams. She and i had alot in common. Anyways, we were out one night, it was about 2am, and we were out drinking. regardless it was only down the street, she and i were still coherent. As i crossed the street, a car hit me head-on, i flipped 2 times and landed hard on my ass. I saw the clear sky above when Christine walked over me and said "it's all over"

Dreamer: trisha
Death: Gun shot
Details: I didn't die...but I've dreamt about getting shot alot of time.

Dreamer: Helios
Death: Falling off cliff
Details: I guess I kinda do. One dream I had, or rather, nightmare, I was being chased through a wormhole by the queen of heart's cards, they had pikes. I abruptly fell off a cliff. I got the wind nocked out of me as soon as I woke up, so I guess I died. I get the wind nocked out of me alot in dreams, now that I think about it....

Dreamer: Karina
Death: Gun shot
Details: i was shot by a man dressed in a black suit

Dreamer: Kit
Death: Other...
Details: One dream i was do acrobatics from a long chain off a helicopter and i hit the side of a house, i was dragged along the floor, it a till plane on a landing runway, and then was shot to death by a gang of people

Dreamer: Jamie
Death: Other...
Details: One night when I got drunk, I fell asleep and I had a dream. In the dream, I was with this girl that I know that used to be in alot of my dreams. Well we were walkin' around and there was this party or something, and we had to go up the stairs to get there. There were guys on the stairs and they started talking and then they pushed me over the railing of the stairs and I fell and I hit the ground and all of a sudden I was a ghost. The guys came down the stairs and the girl I was with was upset. Well when the guys came down the stairs I started hitting them and they couldn't see me or hear me but they could feel the punches and I was having fun. I remembered the movie Ghost, I guess, and just used my powers of being a ghost. Then I started talking to the girl, and she could hear me but couldn't see me. She was afraid, but I was just so happy that she could hear me. So we were talking and stuff and went up to a pool hall we used to always hang out at. We saw a friend of hers there, and her friend could see me or something I guess, because we were all sitting at a table and yea well I got head under the table, and my friend looked under the table and saw her just moving her head back and forth.... It was weird.

Dreamer: julie
Death: Stabbing
Details: i as trying tosave my friends (which i did), and in the process to save them i had toget stabbed in the chest. Funny though, coz i didnt really feel the pain, jsut felt relaxing (now thats wierd!)

Dreamer: banacop@yahoo.com
Death: Other...
Details: My very first dream, at age five, now forty five. In Gladiator day Viking Soldier, on horse back. Battle field Village people, run away for their life. Then one Soldier did, notice myself play dead, on ground. From that point he, did throw spear at, me. Did wake up right, away.

Dreamer: janet
Death: Other...
Details: I was struck by lightening and went to a floating bed in the sky where I spoke with god and came back to earth in the form of a little girl

Dreamer: Leah
Death: Other...
Details: I had this dream a number of times; I was playing hide and seek with large dark bull, he would always fing me wherever I would hide and eventually eat me. It is the strangest feeling.

Dreamer: Lore
Death: Other...
Details: I've had many near death dreams. I mean, I'm about to die (mostly by a crazed killer/various techniques) but I always wake up just before I get killed.

Dreamer: cindy
Death: Car crash
Details: I saw myself instantly die in a car accident

Dreamer: Nevermore
Death: Gun shot
Details: Some bloke shot me, and in the dream I did die.

Dreamer: Galentin
Death: Other...
Details: I died in a plane crash and saw my soul rise above my body.

Dreamer: Dana Pawlik
Death: Gun shot
Details: was shot in the head and i felt it

Dreamer: JLO
Death: Other...
Details: I was getting choke by a man and my family just stand like nothing happen

Dreamer: shadowreverie
Death: Other...
Details: I was half eaten by a giant crocodile. The most intense feeling was not the fear and the pain but the warmth and heat from my blood rushing out of my body as if in waves. Even after waking, I remembered that feeling.

Dreamer: arno
Death: Other...
Details: drown

Dreamer: JAZCAT
Death: Stabbing
Details: I was sleeping in my bed when i had some strange man who was unrecognizable stand over me and then i woke up and looke at him and he stabbed me with a long thick knife in the chest.

Dreamer: JAZCAT
Death: Stabbing
Details: I was sleeping in my bed when i had some strange man who was unrecognizable stand over me and then i woke up and looked at him and he stabbed me with a long thick knife in the chest.

Dreamer: Grace - Elisabeth
Death: Gun shot
Details: I was with my dad in the car driving the country lanes way home when a right nutter of a bloke started swerving around us, trying to get off the road, I actually got his numberplate and when I woke up wrote it down, I still have it somewhere! well anyway, he levelled with us and pointed a gun across the passenger seat at my dad, but then, after we had seen his face, pulled a black mask down over his face and proceeded to chase us into the town where I lived, the town looked nothing like my town, but yet I knew it was!! strange! he then swerved infront of us, got out of his car and as he was walking towards it I felt my dad trying to push me out of the way, I never heard the shots just felt three go in, one in my stomach and two in my sides, I looked at my dad, went fuzzy and knew I had dies, woke up sobbing my heart out and I have NEVER ever forgotton that dream it will stay with me forever, pure fear .

Dreamer: Usagi Chimney
Death: Gun shot
Details: i was Julia from cowboy bebop and i tripped and when i stood up i was shot in the small of my back just to the right of my spine. my crush (dressed like spike ;P) came over to me and help me in his arms and said "don't die on me, julia" (i'm not going to use my real name) the scary thing is i said " it's all. . . a dream" just like julia in the episode The Real Folk Blues part 2. i then closed my eyes in the dream and was jolted out of sleep when my cat jumped on my back and i repeated myself "it's all a dream" ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ for those with wings, fly to your dreams.

Dreamer: bolu kukus
Death: Car crash
Details: I am not really sure am I dead or not, but all I can recall everybody are watching me and they cannot hear me..

Dreamer: angel dejesus
Death: Gun shot
Details: i was walking from the store which is 5 blocks from my house.about 2 blocks from my house a black car pulls up next too me on just opens fire

Dreamer: Viktoria
Death: Stabbing
Details: I was stabbed repeatedly in the back as I was crouching down next to a wall sobbing. At first I tried to run away from the guy but eventually I gave up.

Dreamer: Terra
Death: Gun shot
Details: I submitted my dream #1784 I was assinated for spilling a secret.

Dreamer: Icy
Death: Other...
Details: I had caught a strange illness and died.

Dreamer: thilak
Death: Other...
Details: dont remember but i was killed by someone

Dreamer: thilak
Death: Other...
Details: dont remember but i was killed by someone

Dreamer: Ashley
Death: Other...
Details: After the 9/11 attack, about 2 weeks ago I was thinking about it and I had a dream that I was in New York on business and Osama Bin Laden was in NY discussing the strategy of the attacks and I overheard him. I tried to run and tell someone but he caught me and told me that if I told a soul he would personally hunt me down and kill me, he was going to let me go but decided that I might would be a blabber mouth and forced me to go were he was hiding until the next morning, I somehow mananged to call my mom and told her about it, but it was too late, I was in the plane with the hijackers and I remember flying over the Hudson River and the Brooklyn Bridge and as I was screaming we crashed into the first tower, I heard the explosion and seen the fire burst and everything, even my own funeral....

Dreamer: Morgan
Death: Stabbing
Details: I had a dream that I was leaving my school parking lot and someone who didn't like me walked up to my car and stabbed me, left me for dead and took my car.

Dreamer: Mary
Death: Car crash
Details: I keep having this reocurring dream that I die on this curve a road away from my house and I flipped my car and died. Then I was in my funeral watching everyone mourn me....

Dreamer: christal
Death: Gun shot
Details: most dreams i have my boyfriend gets shot, or killed or beat up.. what does this mean?

Dreamer: sta32k
Death: Other...
Details: going somewhere thiking the sniper was near trying to get away popping the tire getting out the car fekaing out crying histerically anf feeling ingolfed then wkaing up

Dreamer: Sta32k
Death: Other...
Details: Falling into an endless amput of water and knowing i was drowning but not doing anything about it

Dreamer: Travis Scheer
Death: Other...
Details: My dad just bought a skelington life size skelington doll and my dad went in to talk with his freind when the skelinton doll came to life and strangled me the I woke up

Dreamer: Victor
Death: Other...
Details: Stabbed, shot, car crash, bashed over the head, fell, burned, drowned and even nuked. I'm sure I've missed a few.

Dreamer: Stephen Ignatious
Death: Other...
Details: Reoccuring. I am walking down this street near a high school I dont go to and this guy constantly yells at me not to pass his house. After some (days?weeks?months?) the guy gets so upset about me passing his house he takes me and my girlfriend. my girlfriend manages to escape but he takes me into his house and tortures me with things i cannot remember. i can just think of wood and chains.

Dreamer: john
Death: Car crash
Details: I was walking across the street to meet up with some friends when a 80's model f150 hit me, i could feel myself gettin ripped apart by the driveshaft, all the while my friends were looking on at me as if they knew it were to be....

Dreamer: Beth
Death: Car crash
Details: I was driving to my friends after gettting in a fight w/ my dad and ran over a bank into a river I could feel my self drown

Dreamer: Daddy's girl
Death: Car crash
Details: It was christmas and I was pregnate and I was with my boyfriend and I was driving down to see my parents. The roads where really bad and I felt something was wrong so I slowed down and pushed my boyfriend out of the car then I was jacked knife in between a trailor and a mac truck. While I was being smashed i heard my self scream then I heard nothing but my heartbeat while I was having flashbacks.

Dreamer: Leon
Death: Gun shot
Details: I dream I come out my house and I get shot by a black car

Dreamer: Tammy
Death: Other...
Details: I dreamt that my boyfriend and I were driving across water/sand dunes in a four wheel drive. We were driving along and heading straight for what seemed to be a puddle. When we got to it he drove right into it. It was deaper than we realised and the car immediately started to sink. We couldnt get the doors open to get out due to the pressure of the water. We stuggled to get out until we both slowly drowned.

Dreamer: TheConstantDreamer
Death: Falling off cliff
Details: When i was 13 years old i had this dream i was in prehistoric time and that i was on this long rock bridge above a plane of hungry dunosoaurs, i dreamt there was a person attempting to knock me off, he through a knife and hit me in the head, i fell and died. i awoke to find that i had fallen of bed and my head had hit the nightstand and started to bleed...

Dreamer: Vanessa
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: Vanessa
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: Vanessa
Death: Gun shot
Details: I was in my garage cleaning and I heard a car pull up and a bunch of loud noises, I couldn't feel anything but when I reached down to my stomach I had holes in it. I layed on the ground and thought I am going to die then it got black and I woke up. My heart was racing I actually cried afterwards it was so real feeling.

Dreamer: Kathy
Death: Falling off cliff
Details: I was trying to save my brother and sister from a zombie. That was trying to eat them.

Dreamer: Mary
Death: Other...
Details: i tryed kill my self and it was with a gun then with pills then hunging myself then cuting my self

Dreamer: Taiga
Death: Other...
Details: Some catastrophe had occured; I was under the impression that millions/billions had or were going to die. Anyway, I was running up a slick, vividly green, grassy slope with my family (father, sister, mother)-- trying to get high enough, and far enough away to survive this massive wall of water that was bearing down. I got separated from my mother, and my sister was too far down the slope to survive (I watched her wash away). Vaguely, in the background I was aware of a helicopter, picking up a few people; the only people who were going to make it out alive. My father and I climbed as I high as we could, but it wasn't enough. Just before the water swept over us, something made me look up. The black helicopter was hovering against the almost iridescent grey sky, and though I was too far away to have seen this-- I knew my mother was in the helicopter. My father and I held each other, and the water hit us, swept us away-- but I was happy, almost serene beucae I knew one of us would survive.

Dreamer: Chris Wheeler
Death: Car crash
Details: this is a repeated dream, i've seen it loads of times, which is quite worrying. its night time, and i'm in a car, in the passenger seat, and i couldnt see the driver, all i could see was me, the car, and the road was dark, and the car was black. then it just seemed to brake really suddenly and i saw myself, from outside the car, fly out the windshield and roll a bit and land in a bloody, still mess on the tarmac, and i just watched myself lyeing there dead for a while, then i woke up.

Dreamer: Chris Wheeler
Death: Other...
Details: Another dream i often have is also from a 'fly on the wall' view, where i'm in hospital lying on a bed, and i'm attatched to the monitering equpiment, after some horrific incident of some sort, but you cant see any injuries. my girlfriend is at my right handside, holding my right hand. then i start fitting or spasming or something and then i stop moving and the long beep comes on, and my girlfriend is crying on my chest.

Dreamer: jess
Death: Other...
Details: I have never died in any of my dreams!!! Bye!!!

Dreamer: Hello!
Death: Other...
Details: I was walking down the street and then a man came up and killed me

Dreamer: Kristin
Death: Gun shot
Details: I don't remember exactly but my family was getting robbed and i went to open the front door and i was shot

Dreamer: JOSH
Death: Falling off cliff

Dreamer: jessica
Death: Other...
Details: I was walking around the pond in my back yard and i fell in. i was going down to the bottem and i saw sharks coming to me and it happened so fast that i shark just graded me and i saw all of my body parts go everywhere.

Dreamer: Ralpharama
Death: Gun shot
Details: A girl I disliked from university, even to the extent of burning her shoes, approached me on a zebra crossing (U.K.) and shot me in the head, close range. I remember shock, pain, black-out and then waking up, gasping for air. I never burnt another pair of shoes again..

Dreamer: sara
Death: Gun shot
Details: in my dream i am about five years older than my current age (17) and i am in this red van with my family my aunts and some cousins all the people in the van are girls and my mom is driving we are all having a good time till all of a sudden a red truck comes up to us and my mom shouts "oh shit he's going to shoot us ! he's going to shoot US!" and turns the wheel hitting the truck but bring my side of the van window up to the mans view and then he shoots and i fall covering someone i guess protecting. well he shoots me with a automatic gun and someone yells and then he shoots me again and i feel no pain yet i feel the blood draining from me and then a light from somewhere shines through the "holes" in my body and i sorta float away from my body seeing up through the holes instead of looking down. i mean i get to see my eyes literaly get glazed over. and then he takes off like nothing happened.

Dreamer: keia
Death: Falling off cliff
Details: I always have a dream about being on a boat or a tall biulding and falling.It's so real because Iam frightened by hights.

Dreamer: becky
Death: Other...
Details: i was in a coffin

Dreamer: Atefeh
Death: Gun shot
Details: i dreamed that my father kill me angrily with a gun immidiately

Dreamer: Johnny
Death: Gun shot
Details: I dreamed that my best friend and I got in a fight and he shot me continuously.

Dreamer: KASEY K
Death: Other...

Dreamer: KASEY K
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: Susan
Death: Falling off cliff
Details: I hit the ground and thought. Oh no I'm dead! --and that was it.

Dreamer: kyla
Death: Stabbing
Details: I don't remember anything except being stabbed with a knife by my ex-boyfriend, and feeling scared- the nightmare/dream woke me up

Dreamer: rebecca
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: REBECCA
Death: Gun shot

Dreamer: FeLoNY
Death: Car crash
Details: I'm driving in some kind of prestige car like a BMW or something and suddenly the road comes to an end, and there's just one big brick wall at the end, I brake really hard but I'm driving too fast, and I hit it anyway, but just after I hit it I wake up.

Dreamer: Tara
Death: Stabbing
Details: Last night I had the strangest dream. When my eldest childrens father an I were together(ten years ago) it was a very abusive relationship and ive spent the past ten years getting my life together and we dont ever communicate .Ive since gotten married and am happy. Any how....last night I had a dream that he forced himself into my house and that it was me and a female friend. It turned nasty and I attempted to keep him in the kitchen by holding the door shut with me on the other side. Somehow he got out and was choking my friend and I grabbed a knife and began to stab him in the chest at first but then in the neck until he finally released her. I woke up and couldnt fall back to sleep.

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