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  Dream Number: #417
Dream Type: Strange, Odd, Exciting!
Date Posted: 4/1/2010

lovebug_xo from Ossian remembers this:

I was in our sun room, I can't remember what I was doing, but all of the sudden, my mom walks over and hands me the phone. "Is this Heather?" a guy said. "Yes it is." I said, a little confused about what was going on. "You've just won two tickets to see Jonas Brothers on ice!" he said and I screamed. All I could say back was 'OMG!'. "Just follow me." he said and I looked at my tv where my little brother was playing and some person in an animal suit waved at me. I walked closer and all of the sudden, I wasn't in my kitchen anymore. We walked through some tunnel and I was back in my house. I found myself trying to get ready and remembering that other girl who won tickets to go see Selena in concert. Then I woke up.

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